1. (verb) to be boisterous, wild.
Tūperepere kau ana ngā wai o Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara, engari ia koe, e Matu, nei rā tō waka kua marewa ki ngā wai tokitoki, ki ngā hau tāhengihengi, ki te āio mōwai rokiroki (HM 2/1993). / The waters of Wellington Harbour are boisterous, but you, Matu, there is your conveyance raised up to the calm waters, to the soft breezes, and serenity.
2. (verb) to be vigorous (of plant growth, etc.).
Tūperepere ana te tipu mai o ngā kūmara o taku māra. / The kūmara plants of my garden are growing vigorously.
3. (modifier) boisterous, wild.
Ko ēnei waka e rua me unua kia kaha ai te rere i te moana i te marangai tūperepere nei (TH 1/3/1862:6). / These two canoes should be lashed together as a double canoe, so that they are robust enough to sail the ocean in this boisterous storm.
4. (noun) pure ceremony, with feasting, when the storing of the kūmara crop was finished.
Ka rere a Whānui ka tīmata te hauhake i ngā kai; te potonga o ngā kai ka mahia ngā mahi a Ruhanui, koia ēnei: ko te tūperepere, ko te tōreherehe, ko te kai whakatāpaepae, ko te kokomo, ko te tūmahana, ko te kaihaukai, ko te haka, ko te poi, ko te whakahoro taratahi, ko te tā pōtaka, ko te pōtēteke, ko te taupiripiri, ko te mū tōrere, a te whai, a te pānokonoko, o te tararī, a te kīkīporo, a te pākuru, a te tārere, a te kūī, a te kūrapakara, a te rere moari, me ērā atu mea katoa (TWMNT 11/9/1872:110). / When Vega rose the harvesting of the food began; and when that was done the activities of Ruhanui were carried out, which were these: the ceremony and feast to celebrate the storing of the kūmara crop, tobogganing, the displaying of food, the exchanging of gifts between hosts and visitors, feasting and presenting food, performing haka and poi, flying kites, whipping spinning tops, doing somersaults, racing arm in arm, playing draughts, performing string games, playing the pānokonoko string game, playing the jewsharp, beating the time to songs with pieces of wood held against the cheek, playing the mouth resonator, swinging, calling kūī, playing kūrapakara, swinging on the moari, and all those other games.