1. (noun) Ringatū planting rites - also the term used for the crops of the māra tautāne. The Ringatū ceremony is held on 1 June each year, but its origins come from the planting of this garden at the start of the Māori new year held when Matariki appears in the Tangaroa phase of the first month.
E rua anō ngā rā nui o te tau o te Ringatū i hiwaia e ia, arā, ko te huamata i te tahi o Hune me te pure i te tahi o Noema; he whakatō kai te tikanga o te huamata, ā, kia nui ai te hua o te kai i meinga ai te pure (TTR 1998:27). / There are two important days of the Ringatū faith that he focused on, namely the huamata on the first of June and the pure on the first of November; the huamata is when the planting rites are held, and the pure is so that the harvest is plentiful.
2. (noun) salad.