2. (noun) object of revenge.
Ka whakatakotoria atu te māhunga o Rangi-houhiri. Ka tangi te mapu o Tū-parahaki, kua mōhio mai hoki ia ki te māhunga o Rangi-houhiri te tangata e whai rā ia kia mate, te ito a Ngāti Tapuika, te rangatira hoki o te iwi nāna i patu tana tāne, a Tukutehe (NIT 1995:153). / Rangi-houhiri's head was laid down. Tū-parahaki caught her breath, recognising the head of Rangi-houhiri, the object of Ngāti Tapuika's revenge, and the chief of the tribe that had killed her husband, Tukutehe, and whose death she had sought.
Synonyms: tama a hara, uto