1. (loan) (location) Philippines - a country in SE Asia consisting of over 7,000 islands.
E 5000 turūpa ka tukua e te Tumuaki Makiniri he tiaki i te moutere nei i Piripaina (nō Pāniora) ka mau te pupuri e Marika, kia mutu rā anō te pakanga (TJ 7/6/1898:5). / President McKinley sent 5,000 troops to guard this island in the Philippines (which belong to Spain) which are held by America until the war is over.
Synonyms: Piripīni
2. (loan) (noun) Filipino.
Ko ngā Piripaina kei te whati haere (TJ 11/5/1899:12). / The Filipinos are fleeing.