1. (loan) (location) Patagonia - a region of South America in southern Argentina and Chile.
Ko ngā tāngata māori o ngā tahora o Amerika, ko ngā tāngata māori o Patakonia, e mau ana ki ngā hōiho, ka haere, ka ā i ngā kau uwha i ngā kau tāne ki roto o ngā taiepa, he mea anō ka arumia ki ngā pari kia matemate, kia whiwhi ai rātou ki ngā hiako (TKM 1/3/1849:2). / The native of the American prairie and the indigenous people of Patagonia ride horses to herd cows and bulls into fenced enclosures, or to drive them over the cliffs so that they are killed in order to obtain the hides.