Hāhi o Ihu Karaiti o Ngā Hunga Tapu o Ngā Rā o Muri Nei
1. (loan) (noun) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
He tūpuna rongonui ngā tūpuna o Tūati, ā, i mua i tana whānautanga i poropititia, māna e ora mai ai ōna tūpuna; taihoa kitea ai ko te mahi iriiri a te Hāhi o Ihu Karaiti mō te Hunga Tapu o ngā Rā o Muri Nei, arā, a te Hāhi Mōmona i te hunga kua mate kē noa atu te tikanga o te kōrero nei (TTR 1998:110). / Stuart's ancestors were distinguished and before he as born it was prophesied that he would save his ancestors; this was later seen as a prediction of the practice of baptism of the dead by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that is the Mormon Church