1. (loan) (verb) to be passed (especially of time).
Nō te tau 1873, ka tae mai awau ki tēnei kura, ki te Kāreti o Te Aute me ōku hoa, hei teina, tuakana rāua ki a au, ā ka pāhi te tau ka hoki mātou ki ō mātou kāinga... (TW 20/7/1878:9/365). / In 1873 I arrived at this school, Te Aute College, with my younger brother and older brother and when the year had passed, we returned to our homes...
Synonyms: hipa
2. (loan) (noun) past (time).
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 28;)
I ū te kaipuke i te hāwhe pāhi o te waru i te pō. / The ship birthed at half past eight at night.