1. (noun) basket used in collecting seafood - used exclusively when diving for kina, pāua and kuku. It has a wide mesh and a rope at the opening edge so that it can be closed when swimming back to shore.
He mahi pai ki a ia te raranga whāriki, waikawa, rahu, kāwhiu, kete, ā, kōpae hoki (TTTT 2006:39). / She liked weaving mats, course mats, baskets of undressed harakeke, baskets for collecting seafood, kits and round baskets.
I ērā wā āta rarangatia ai e ngā māmā, e ngā kuia he kete motuhake hai hari mā ngā kairuku o te whānau ki te moana. He kāwhiu te ingoa o ngā kete nei. He kete nunui mō te ruku kaimoana anake (WT 2013:28). / In those times the aunties and elderly women plaited special baskets for the divers of the family to take to the sea. These baskets were called kāwhiu. They were large and used exclusively for diving for seafood.