2. (verb) (-hia,-hina,-tia) to covet, retain.
I taiapotia ake ai e te mahara ēnei kupu, he nui nō te pōuri me te mamae o te ngākau mōna kua wehe atu nei i a tātau, nāna nei i māturu iho ai te roimata ki runga ki a ia (TPH 18/1/1904:6). / These words are retained in the memory because of the great sorrow and pain we feel for he who has left us and for whom the tears are shed.
3. (verb) (-hia,-hina,-tia) to take all for oneself.
Kaua e taiapohina ngā pukapuka nā māu anake. / Don't take all those books for yourself.
4. (noun) lullaby - song composed on the birth of a chiefly child.
I titoa te taiapo mō te tamaiti rangatira ki te whakaako i taua tamaiti ki ngā kōrero a tōna iwi, ki ngā mate hei ngaki māna, ki ōna tātai whakaheke, ki ōna whenua me ērā tū āhuatanga. / A lullaby was composed for a chiefly child to teach that child the tribe's stories, the deaths to be avenged, his lineages, his lands and those types of things.
See also oriori
Synonyms: ngāoriori, whakaoriori, oriori, pōpō