



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-tia) to trample hard, flatten, compact.

Kua papatautia te wāhi rā i te tangata nei te takatakahi (W 1971:261). / That place where this man trod is compacted.

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2. (modifier) hard surfaced, sealed.

He tika te mau o Ngāti Porou ki te nuinga o ō rātou whenua, te korenga i pau i te Pākehā te hoko, i te matara o tō rātou nā takiwā i ngā huarahi papatau o te Pākehā (TTT 1/8/1930:2120). / It's correct that Ngāti Porou retained most of their land and it was not sold to the Pākeha because their territory is quite distant from the sealed roads of the Pākehā.

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3. (noun) hard surface.

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