1. (verb) to be thrilled, excited, exciting.
Nā, ko ngā kupu atu tēnei a Kahu ki te kōtiro rā, ki a Kakara; kore rawa a roto i tahuri mai i te mea nāna kua hiamo te tinana i te hikitanga o te pai o te mata o Ihenga (JPS 1893:227). / These were the words of Kahu to his daughter Kakara, but she did not take any notice being excited by the attractive face of Ihenga.
2. (verb) to be elevated, exalted, impressed.
Nā, ko ngā kupu atu tēnei a Kahu ki te kōtiro rā, ki a Kakara; kore rawa a roto i tahuri mai i te mea nāna kua hiamo te tinana i te hikitanga o te pai o te mata o te turuhi nei, o Ihenga (JPS 1893:227). / Now, these were the words of Kahu to his daughter, Kakara; but took no notice because she was so impressed by the body and attractive face of this young fellow, Ihenga.
3. (noun) topmost batten on the roof of the house - to which the thatch was fastened.