1. (intransitive verb) to feel nauseous, feel sick.
Kei te maumahara au ki te wā tuatahi i mahi ai au ki te kai paipa. Mea ake, ka paipairuaki, kei waho e tūpou ana, e rere ana te wai o te waha, me taku riri ki a au anō mōku e whakateka ki te hāpai i tēnā kai (HJ 2017:137). / I remember the first time I tried smoking. Soon after, I felt nauseous and was outside bent over with saliva flowing in my mouth and I was angry with myself for trying that substance.
2. (noun) nausea, feeling of disgust.
Ka kite ia i te whakaahua o te tangata i pororeretia rā te mātenga, ka tau mai te paipairuaki ki a ia (PK 2008:564). / When he saw the photograph of the man who had been beheaded he was overcome with nausea.