taumaha hārukiruki
1. (modifier) extremely heavy, extremely depressed, extremely difficult.
I haere katoa ngā mahi i roto i te ngākau pai me te wairua ngahau, me te kite iho a ētahi he mahi taumaha hārukiruki tēnei mahi te whakamāori kōrero (HM 4/1998:6). / The work all went along good-naturedly and with an enjoyable spirit, but with some realising that this task of translation is a very difficult one.
See also toimaha hārukiruki, hārukiruki
2. (noun) extreme weight, extreme depression, extreme difficulty.
Kua kore te kuia nei e makere i tō rātou waka, i te taumaha hārukiruki o te wairua (HM 3/1995:7). / This elderly woman could no longer climb out of their vehicle because of her extreme depression.