1. (modifier) cut, severed.
Ā mate noa ia, noho hauā ake ana tana waewae i tana wharatanga, hīkoi haere ai ia me te mau tokotoko, pūtu hāparapara anō hoki (TTR 2000:19). / And until he died, his leg remained lame from his injuries, walking with a stick and surgical boots.
Synonyms: motu
2. (modifier) surgical.
Ā mate noa ia, noho hauā ake ana tana waewae i tana wharatanga, hīkoi haere ai ia me te mau tokotoko, pūtu hāparapara anō hoki (TTR 2000:19). / Right until he died, his leg remained lame from his injury, and he walked with the aid of a stick and surgical boots.
3. (noun) surgical operation.
I te nuinga o te wā, ko te hāparapara te huarahi maimoatanga tuatahi mō te mate pukupuku whēkau. / In the majority of cases a surgical operation is the first treatment process for bowel cancer.