mahi atu
1. forget it, get on and do it then, go on then do it, get lost - an idiom used as a command to get on and do something. Also used to imply that the speaker does not support the action or want be a part of it, or it is a warning to the person not to do it.
Mahi atu koe! / You get lost!
Rangi: Tēnā haramai e hoa - kei te purei ‘iuka’ mātou. Pare: Mahi atu koutou. Kāore ōku take ki tēnā kēmu (HKK 1999:58). / Rangi: Well, come here my friend - we are playing euchre. Pare: You can forget it. I'm no use at that game.
See also mahia atu/e mahi ([koe]) i [tō] mahi