1. (location) a place in Hawaiki and point of final dispersal of some migration canoes. Also a mountain of significance in Ngāti Maniapoto territory.
He matau nāhaku i riua mai i runga o Rangiātea i ngā pora rā e, i rere mai i tawhiti (JPS 1898:172). / A fish-hook of mine brought from Rangiātea in those large sea-going canoes that sailed here from afar.
2. (personal name) house of the males atua, the whatukura, in the uppermost heaven.
Ko te rangi i noho ai te atua, ko Toi-o-ngā-rangi, arā ko Tikitiki-o-rangi. Ko ngā atua e uru atu ana ki reira ko ngā whatukura, he atua tāne. Ko tō rātou whare ko Rangiātea. Ko ngā māreikura, he atua wahine. Ko tō rātou whare ko Te Rauroha (TTT 1/5/1924:38). / The heaven where the atua dwells is Toi-o-ngā-rangi, that is Tikitiki-o-rangi. The atua enter there are the the whatukura, the male atua. Their house is Rangiātea. The māreikura are the female atua. Their house is Te Rauaroha.