1. I could be wrong, unless - an idiom indicating that the speaker thinks he/she could be wrong about something that he/she has stated. It sometimes indicates that the speaker expects to be confirmed or corrected by the listener.
Māna, kua haere pea rāua ki te purei piriota. / I could be wrong, but they may have gone to play billiards.
Rangi: Ko Hare kē pea te pāpā o Kahurangi - māna? Pare: Kāo - ko Pita kē (HKK 1999:156) / Rangi: Hare is probably Kahurangi's father - am I right? Pare: No - it's Peter.
Mā rāua pea tāua e āwhina māna tē taea! / Perhaps they will help us, unless they're unable to.