1. (loan) (location) Fiji.
Kua tae mai ngā kōrero a te Kīngi me ngā rangatira o Whītī, mō tō rātou whenua, kia mahia ngā tikanga o taua whenua e te Kuīni o Ingarangi (TW 5/8/1874:3). / Word has arrived from the King and chiefs of Fiji concerning their lands, that the control of that land be exercised by the Queen of England.
2. (loan) (noun) Fijian.
He Weteriana ngā Whītī i haere ki Ingarangi ki te whakawahinga o Kīngi Eruera (TP 3/1903:10). / The Fijians who went to England for King Edward’s coronation were Wesleyans.