whenua tapu
1. (noun) sacred land.
Ka tohe anō a Heke kia mau tonu ngā tika o te iwi me te mana Māori. "Nā te Atua i hanga tēnei whenua mō mātou. E kore e taea te tapatapahi; mehemea he tohorā, kua tapatapahia. Hoki atu koutou ki tō koutou nei whenua, ki te whenua i hangaia mai e te Atua mō koutou. Nā te Atua tēnei mō mātou, ehara mā te tangata tauhou, ehara mā tauiwi hei rahurahu tō mātou whenua tapu.' (TTR 1990:7). / Heke argued that the rights of the people and Māori authority be respected. "God made this country for us. It cannot be sliced up; if it were a whale it might be cut up. Return to your own country, to the land that was made by God for you. God made this land for us; it is not for any stranger or foreign nation to meddle with our sacred country."
2. (noun) dead ball area (rugby).