2. (noun) strand (of a cord), warp - lengthwise threads of a woven flax garment.
Te miri o Rukutia: Te miri o te harakeke, arā o te muka hei whenu, hei aho rānei mō te whatu kākahu (M 2004:292). / The caress of Rukutia: The twisting of flax fibre into strands or cords and cross-threads to be used in weaving garments (M 2004:293).
3. (noun) cosine (maths).
He ōwehenga te whenu e hono ana i tētahi koki o te tapatoru hāngai ki te tāroa me te tapa pātahi (TRP 2010:334). / Cosine is a ratio which connects an angle of a right-angled triangle with the adjacent side and the hypotenuse (TRP 2010:334).