1. (verb) (-tia) to develop, improve.
Atu i te paunga o te rau tau 1900 ki ngā tau tōmua o te mano tau 2000, ka whakawhanake a Ngāi Tahu i tā rātou kaupapa wae tāpoi e karangatia ana ko Whale Watch (Te Ara 2014). / From the late 1900s to the early 2000s, Ngāi Tahu developed tourism trips called Whale Watch.
2. (modifier) developing.
I roto i tana tūranga hei minita Māori atu i te paunga o te tekau tau 1920, ka kōkiri a Āpirana Ngata i ngā kaupapa whakawhanake whenua i piki ai te rahi o ngā kaiahuwhenua Māori (Te Ara 2014). / In his role as Native Minister from the late 1920s, Āpirana Ngata spearheaded land development schemes, which increased the number of Māori farmers.
3. (noun) development.
Ko tāna, he whakarato āwhina mō te hapori, te mātauranga, te hauora, ngā hākinakina, te whakawhanake hoki i ngā whenua me ngā rawa (Te Ara 2014). / It is involved in social, education and health services, sporting activities, and the development of land and assets.