



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) adze.

Nō te hāpaitanga ake o taua tumutumu nei, i a rātou anō e tapahi ana i ngā paiaka o raro, ka kitea te ngārahu me ētahi toki kōhatu nei e takoto ana i roto (TWMNT 9/2/1875:34). / When they were lifting the stump up, and while they were cutting the roots underneath, they discovered charcoal and some stone adzes lying inside.

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2. (noun) axe, hatchet.

Ka mea ngā tāne me pao te māhunga ki muri o te pane o te toki (HP 1991:20). / The men said that the head should be struck with the back of the axe head.

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3. (noun) champion, star, gun.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 195;)

Kāore he tīma i tua atu i a rātou mō te purei whutupōro, he toki katoa rātou (PK 2008:928). / There is no team better than them at playing rugby, they're all guns.

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4. (noun) karakia used during the kawa ceremony - addresses the tree from which the carvings were made using the toki, or axe.

Nā ngā kaumātua o Te Arawa i wewete ngā tapu o ōna whakairo, i karakia te karakia o te waere, te kawa, te toki, te takapou (TTT 1/10/1922:8). / The elders of Te Arawa removed the tapu from its carvings, recited the incantations of the waere (clearing the tapu of the building), of the kawa (calling on the powers to ruruku, or bind together, the uprights and rafters of the building), the toki (incantation addressed to the tree from which the carvings were made using the toki, or axe) and the takapou (incantation lifting the tapu to enable the entry of women into the house and spreading the mat of occupation and use).

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1. (loan) (personal name) Stokes.

Ko taua mea he reta i tuhia mai e Te Tōki ki a au i mua i tōna haerenga ki Ingarangi (TW 24/11/1877:464). / It was a letter addressed to me by Mr Stokes before he left for England.

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1. (loan) (noun) stock.

Ko tā Pāteriki Kahikura te whare ngāwari rawa mō te hānihi paki, kīki, tōki kāta, piringi kāta, terei, parau hoki, pēke tera hoki (TW 3/6/1876:223). / Patrick Kahikura’s is the convenient shop for pack harnesses, gigs, stock carts, spring carts, drays, ploughs and saddle bags.

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toki kapukapu

1. (noun) steel adze.

Nō te tau 1930 ka huri a Pine Taiapa i te motu, ki te rapu i tētahi tohunga whiu i te toki kapukapu (EM 2002:159). / In 1930 Pine Taiapa went around the country looking for an expert in using a steel adze.

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Toki huna

1. A hidden adze: a hidden agenda.

Kia tūpato he toki huna tērā tangata / be weary that person has hidden agendas.

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Toki pūhuki

1. A blunt adze: said of someone who needs to upskill themselves.

Kua pūhuki tō toki e hoa me whakapakari i a koe ka tika / You're a bit rusty mate you better work on youself.

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toki kakauroa

1. (noun) long-handled hatchet, long-handled axe - a weapon with an iron hatchet head and a long handle adapted for fighting during the wars in Aotearoa/New Zealand of the nineteenth century.

toki poutangata

1. (noun) greenstone adze - used as a weapon by a chief and is a symbol of chieftainship.

He toa a Te Pairi ki te mau rākau, ā, ko te taiaha me te toki poutangata tāna i tino matatau ai (TTR 1996:218). / He was an expert in weilding weapons, especially the taiaha and the toki poutangata.

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toki poke

1. (noun) American axe.

toki aronui

1. (noun) large adze.

toki hengahenga

1. (noun) wooden hoe - adze shaped and made of hard wood used for working the ground.

He maha ngā taputapu a te Māori mō te ngaki mara, arā ko te: toki hengahenga - mō te kauhuri oneone; ... (Te Ara 2015). / Māori had a number of tools for gardening, namely the toki hengahenga - for turning over the soil; ...

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1. (personal noun) refashioned Mātā-hou-rua canoe that returned to Hokianga from Hawaiki. Also known as Ngā-toki-mata-whao-rua.

Ko Te Pātara te tohunga tapu o runga i te waka nei, i a Ngā-toki-mātā-hou-rua (JPS 1957:230). / Te Pātara was the sacred priest of the canoe, Ngā-toki-mātā-hou-rua.

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1. (personal noun) refashioned Mātā-hou-rua canoe that returned to Hokianga from Hawaiki.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 30; Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 210-219;)

I ngā hui o te tau 1907 me te tau 1924 ka tatū te kōrero e waru ngā waka i whai wāhi nui ai a Ngā Puhi, a Ngāti Kahu me ērā atu anō o ngā iwi e whai pānga ana: ko ngā ingoa o aua waka ko Ngā-toki-mata-whao-rua, ko Māmari, ko Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi, ko Tinana, ko Mātaatua, ko Mamaru, ko Ruakaramea me Kurahaupō (TTR 1998:75). / At meetings in 1907 and 1924 the number of canoes important to Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Kahu and associated peoples it was agreed that there were eight canoes of relevance to them: Ngā-toki-mata-whao-rua, Māmari, Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi, Tinana, Mātaatua, Mamaru, Ruakaramea and Kurahaupō.

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See also Matawhaorua, Ngā-toki-mātā-hou-rua

Whano, whano! Haramai te toki! Haumi ē! Hui ē! Tāiki ē!

1. a saying often used in speeches. It is used to signal that the group is united and ready to progress the purpose of them coming together.

See also whano, haumi


1. (transitive verb) catch frequently, catch one after another.

2. (noun) a toki carried by chiefs of high rank as mark of distinction.


1. (noun) tītoki, Alectryon excelsus - common on river flats this tree has alternating, almost opposite leaves in four to six pairs, mostly without teeth. Flowers have no petals. Small seed capsules are brownish and hairy but open to reveal the large, black, glossy seeds and striking scarlet surrounds.


1. (verb) to be ornamented with the markings of a toki.

Ko te wahine nāna i hari mai te toki pounamu, hei taratarai atu i te poupou, kia ngangao ai (M 2005:436). / It was a woman who brought the greenstone adze to fashion the wall-pillars, to dress them with the markings of the toki.

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1. (noun) overlocker.


1. (transitive verb) dress timber smooth with a toki.

2. a child's toy.

3. (intransitive verb) move along, glide.

Ngāi Tūhoe

1. (personal noun) tribal group of the Bay of Plenty in the Kutarere-Ruātoki-Waimana-Waikaremoana area.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 42;)

Kai reira ia e tanu ana, ā, e mōhiotia ana taua wāhi e ētahi o ngā pūkōrero o Ngāi Tūhoe (TTR 1990:239). / He is buried there and his grave is known to several Ngāi Tūhoe historians.

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