1. (numeral) ten, 10 - originally it meant 20 as it, or its cognate forms, do in other eastern Polynesian languages. Tekau combines with other words to form the numbers from 11 to 99.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 5; Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 12;)
Kotahi rau e toru tekau mātau i te kura (HP 1991:32). / There were one hundred and thirty of us in the school.
2. (numeral) tenth - when used with this meaning it is preceded by te and followed by o.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 5; Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 12;)
Nō te tekau o Ākuhata ka haere mātou. / On the tenth of August we departed.
anga tekau
1. (noun) tens frame (maths).
Arā anō tētahi rauemi matua mō te whakaako i te wāwāhi tau hei whakaoti tāpiritanga, tangihanga hoki. Ko te anga tekau tērā (TRP 2010:318). / There is another important resource for teaching decomposition to solve addition and subtraction. That is the tens frame.
tekau tau
1. (noun) decade.
Ko te Kotahitanga i tēnei wā e whawhai ana kia mau tonu te mana Māori, ā, atu i te tekau tau mai i 1870 ko Tūhaere tō rātou tino kaihāpai (TTR 1990:364). / In the decade from 1870 Tūhaere was a leading proponent of the Te Kotahitanga movement, which fought to achieve greater Māori autonomy.
pūnaha tekau
1. (noun) decimal system, base ten system.
Koia nei ngā tohutau o tā tātou pūnaha tau. Tekau ngā tohutau, nā te mea he pūnaha tekau: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} (TRP 2010:211). / These are the numerals of our number system. There are ten numerals because it is a decimal system: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} (TRP 2010:211).
2. (numeral) twelfth, 12th (following te).
2. (numeral) thirteenth, 13th (following te).
2. (numeral) eighteenth, 18th (following te).
tekau mā iwa
1. (numeral) be nineteen, nineteenth (following te).
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 16;)
Synonyms: ngahuru mā iwa
2. (numeral) eleventh, 11th (when following te).
2. (numeral) fourteenth, 14th (following te).
2. (numeral) seventeenth, 17th (following te).
Synonyms: ngahuru mā whitu