1. (noun) southern laver, Porphyra columbina - a greenish-purple edible seaweed with a tough, silky texture. Found on upper intertidal rocks on moderately sheltered coasts.
He ika pāwhara, he parengo, he hinu mango, aha atu ngā kai ki-tai hei hokohoko mō te huahua, te kiore, te hīnau me ērā atu kai ki-uta (Te Ara 2012). / Dried fish, dried edible seaweed, shark oil and other coastal food were traded for preserved birds, rats, hīnau berry cakes, and other inland food.
See also karengo
1. (verb) to be smooth, shining, slippery, sleeky, silky.
Ko tōna kiri, karengo kau ana (TP 4/1909:11). / Her skin was absolutely smooth.
Synonyms: kanapu, pīrata, whakawhiti, whiti, whitinga
2. (noun) southern laver, Porphyra columbina - a greenish-purple edible seaweed with a tough, silky texture. Found on upper intertidal rocks on moderately sheltered coasts. Called parengo in eastern dialects.
Hei ngā ngahuru me ngā takurua ka katohia te karengo (Te Ara 2015). / Karengo seaweed is harvested in the autumn and winter.