



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) earth, soil, dirt, ground, land.

He oneone te kaupapa o te whare (HP 1991:12). / The house has an earthen floor.

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Synonyms: tuawhenua, motu, uta, whenua, taiwhenua

ihu oneone

1. (noun) horticulturalist.

ihu oneone

1. (noun) hard worker, labourer - a kupu whakarite for someone who works hard.

Hei aha te pai āhua, rapua he ihu oneone hei tāne māu. / Don't be influenced by beauty, look for a hard worker to be your husband.

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Synonyms: poroteke, paruauru

maioro oneone

1. (noun) embankment, levee, stopbank.

I kahakina ngā piriti whakatārewa, me ngā maioro oneone e te wai, pakaru kino ana tōna huakanga ki runga ki ngā whare, karapotapota ana ngā mea katoa i tōna ara (TWMNT 21/9/1875:210). / The suspension bridges and embankments were carried away by the water, and it rushed into the houses smashing them, levelling everything in its path.

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mātai oneone

1. (noun) soil science.

ika oneone

1. (noun) amphibian.

He kīrehe noho oneone te ika oneone, engari ka tuku i ana paratau ki te wai, ki reira whakaputa uri ai. Ko te poraka hei tauira (RP 2009:223). / An amphibian is an animal that lives on land but breeds in water. The frog is an example.

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