1. (noun) nest.
Ehara tēnei kura i te ōhanga, ehara hoki i te kura whakaparirau noa, engari ia he pae huarewa hei whakahauora, hei whakangungu i te manu kua mārō kē ngā parirau, e matawara ana ki ngā rongohua tīkokekoke o te ao kōrero Māori (HM 2/1994:4). / This school is not a nest for beginners, and it's not a school for fledglings to enable them to fly, but it's an upper level to refresh, to strengthen the bird that already has strong wings wanting the lofty perches of the Māori speaking world.
See also kōhanga
2. (noun) economics, economic.
He mea tuku atu e ia i taua wā he pūrongo ki te Tari Māori e whakarāpopoto ana i ngā āhua e taea ai te whakatika ake te mātauranga, te hauora, te pāpori me te ōhanga o te hunga Māori o Te Wairarapa (TTR 2000:77). / At this time he presented a report to the Department of Māori Affairs, summarising ways to improve the educational, health, social and economic position of Wairarapa Māori.
3. (noun) economy.
Ko te ōhanga ngā mahi katoa o tētahi whenua e hāngai ana ki te waihanga, te tuku, me te hoko i ngā taonga me ngā ratonga (TRP 2010:181). / The economy is all the activities of a country associated with the production, distribution and buying of goods and services (TRP 2010:181).