



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-tia) to wonder at, admire.

Ko te tangata e tino mīharotia ana e te iwi Pākehā, ko taua momo tangata mātau, e hoki nei ōna whakaaro ki te hāpai i te iwi nui tonu (TTT 1/7/1927:615). / The person who is really admired by the Pākehā people is the type of expert who uses his ideas to the benefit of the general population.

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2. (modifier) marvellous, amazing.

Ko te mea mīharo o roto i tēnei karaunatanga a te tangata Māori i tō tāua nei kīngi, kāore i whakawahia ki te hinu, engari he mea hoatu he Paipera ki runga i tōna māhunga (TP 11/1912:6). / The amazing thing of this coronation of a Māori of our king was that he wasn't anointed with oil but a Bible was placed on his head.

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Synonyms: ka kino te haere, kātuarehe, pai mutunga, māharo, whakaharahara

3. (noun) amazement, astonishment, admiration.

Uru rawa atu Kuki ki te mātakitaki i taua pā whawhai, me tōna mīharo ki te mātauranga o te Māori ki te hanga i ōna pā whawhai (TWK 19:22). / Cook went right inside to inspect that fighting pā and he was amazed at the knowledge Māori had in building their forts.

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mīharo kē!

1. goodness gracious! that was out of the blue! how astonishing!.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 248;)

tapawhā mīharo

1. (noun) magic square.

Ko te tapawhā mīharo: Ka tuhia he tau ki ngā wāhanga katoa o tētahi tukutuku tapawhā rite. Inā tāpirihia ngā tau o tētahi rārangi huapae, rārangi poutū, rārangi hauroki rānei, he ōrite te tapeke (TRP 2010:258). / Magic square: A number is written in every cell of a square grid. If the numbers on a horizontal, a vertical or a diagonal line are added together, the total is the same (TRP 2010:258).

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