



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) magic.

I hokona tētehi matire tūmatarau nō ngā kiriata Hare Pōta. / I bought a magic wand from the Harry Potter movies.

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Synonyms: mākutu


1. (verb) (-ria,-tia) to inflict physical and psychological harm and even death through spiritual powers, bewitch, cast spells.

E 200 pea ngā tāngata Māori e noho ana i reira i kī, he mea mākutu e tētahi tangata e karangatia ana ko Tango (KO 22/2/1887:6). / Approximately 200 Māori living there claimed that he was bewitched by somebody called Tango.

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2. (modifier) bewitching, magical, supernatural.

I herea e rātou a Tango mō ngā rā e rua kāhore he kai, kāhore he wai-inu i hoatu e rātou ki a ia, i whakapaea anō e rātou nā Tango i paihana a Toko ki tōna mahi mākutu (KO 22/2/1887:6). / They tied up Tango for two days without food and drinking water, and they accused Tango of poisoning Toko with his sorcery.

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Synonyms: whaiwhaiā

3. (noun) witchcraft, magic, sorcery, spell.

Ka mahi anō te kātipa kia wetekina a Tango nō te mea ko tēnā mea ko te mākutu kāhore he hara e mōhiotia ai e te ture, otirā nōhea e rongo ngā Māori (KO 22/2/1887:6). / The officer attempted to free Tango because mākutu is not an offence recognised by the law, but there is no way that the Māori would listen.

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Synonyms: tūmatarau


1. (verb) (-tia) to injure by spells, bewitch - inflicting physical and psychological harm and even death through spiritual powers.

Engari e whakapono ana au ka mate ētahi tāngata i te wehi i tōna mahara kua whaiwhaiātia ia (TKO 11/1920:4). / But I believe that some people died from fear in their minds that they had been bewitched.

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2. (modifier) magical, paranormal, psychic, supernatural.

I rongo tonu aku taringa ki ngā kōrero kēhua, ki ngā kōrero whaiwhaiā, ki ngā tapu huhua o te Māori (TKO 30/1/1921:3). / I heard the ghost stories, stories of the paranormal and the many prohibitions of the Māori.

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Synonyms: mākutu

3. (noun) witchcraft, sorcery - the inflicting of physical and psychological harm and even death through spiritual powers.

Ka aranga te ingoa o tēnei whaiwhaiā he taupā i te wahine. E rua ngā āhua o tēnei whaiwhaiā, he tangata kāore i tae ki te wahine, he tangata i tae tonu ki te wahine i moea hei wahine tūturu māna, ki te mōhio taua tangata kua tata ia te mate ka taupātia e ia tōna wahine i mua atu i tōna matenga (TPH 31/8/1904:2). / This witchcraft is known as the ritual to withhold the wife from other men. There are two functions of this witchcraft, for a man who is not able to take a woman and for a man who has taken a wife in a permanent relationship. If that man knows he is approaching death he will perform the ritual to withhold his wife from other men.

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See also mākutu

tapawhā mīharo

1. (noun) magic square.

Ko te tapawhā mīharo: Ka tuhia he tau ki ngā wāhanga katoa o tētahi tukutuku tapawhā rite. Inā tāpirihia ngā tau o tētahi rārangi huapae, rārangi poutū, rārangi hauroki rānei, he ōrite te tapeke (TRP 2010:258). / Magic square: A number is written in every cell of a square grid. If the numbers on a horizontal, a vertical or a diagonal line are added together, the total is the same (TRP 2010:258).

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