1. (modifier) sophisticated, experienced, skilled.
Tāpiri atu ēnei painga ki te purotu o tōna āhua, te pakari o te tinana, me te tohunga ki ngā mahi tākaro, kātahi ai te tangata whakahoahoa, tangata mātanga ko tēnei, ko Hēmi (TTR 1998:63). / These good qualities, coupled with his handsome appearance, physical prowess and sporting ability, shaped Hēmi into a charming and sophisticated man.
2. (noun) experienced person, expert, specialist, consultant, professional, practitioner, old hand, analyst.
Kaua pea ko ngā kupu rīraparapa katoa a ngā mātanga wetewete reo, engari ia ko ngā kupu e hāngai ana ki te hōhonutanga o te punareo kei reira nei ngā tamariki e rukuruku haere ana (HM 1/1993). / Perhaps don't use the flash words of grammarians, but the words relevant to the language level that the children are at.
Synonyms: ika a Whiro, kaiwhakamahereora, ringa ngaio, ringa rehe, ringa whaiutu, ngaio
mātanga pūtaiao
1. (noun) scientist.
Synonyms: kaipūtaiao, kaimātai pūtaiao
mātanga mate hinengaro
1. (noun) psychiatrist, mental health specialist.
Koia nei te wiki mate hinengaro, nā reira kei te hiahia ngā mātanga mate hinengaro kia huri ngā whakaaro o te tangata ki ngā momo mate hinengaro. / This is Mental Health awareness week, so psychiatrists want people to think about mental illness.
Synonyms: tākuta hauora hinengaro, rata hauora hinengaro
mātanga wetewete reo
1. (noun) grammarian.
Kaua pea ko ngā kupu rīraparapa katoa a ngā mātanga wetewete reo, engari ia ko ngā kupu e hāngai ana ki te hōhonutanga o te punareo kei reira nei ngā tamariki e rukuruku haere ana (HM 1/1993). / Perhaps don't use the flash words of grammarians, but the words relevant to the language level that the children are at.