



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) a variety of kūmara.

2. (noun) heart-wood of tōtara.

Synonyms: taikākā


1. (noun) sweet potato, kūmara, Ipomoea batatas.

I muri mai i te waipuke, ka tīmata mātau ki te tou i ngā tipu kūmara (HP 1991:14). / After the flood we began to plant the kūmara plants.

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See also kūmera

Tuakana Kūmara

1. A senior kūmara: meaning older none the wiser.

He tuakana kūmara ahau, engari he teina whakahoki tupu koe / I am older but none the wiser, but you are the younger who restores integrity.

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kūmara rau nui

1. gumdiggers' soap, golden Tainui, kūmarahou, Pomaderris kumeraho - a native shrub with alternating, blue-green leaves on top and undersides pale with protruding veins. Flowers are creamy yellow in large, fluffy clusters. The whole plant is covered in a soft mat of hair. Found north of Bay of Plenty and Kāwhia.

See also kūmarahou

Synonyms: pāpapa, kūmarahou


1. (noun) matua-kūmara, Geranium solanderi - a straggling, slightly hairy plant growing up to 60 cm tall. Leaves have slender stalks and are deeply cut. The red-purple flowers have five notched petals. The beak-shaped seed capsules are about 2 cm long. Found in lowland grassy areas of both the North and South Islands.

kūmara kai torouka

1. (noun) akepiro, Olearia furfuracea - a well-branched shrub found in scrub and forest margins of the North Island. The oval leaves are dark green and leathery with woolly, down-like hairs underneath. Clusters of starry-petalled white daisies appear in summer.

See also akepiro

Synonyms: wharangi piro, tanguru

māra kūmara a Ngātoro-i-rangi

1. (noun) cirrocumulus.

māra kūmara a Ngātoro-i-rangi

1. (noun) a mackerel sky, cirrocumulus - cloud forming a broken layer of small fleecy clouds at high altitude.


1. (noun) kumara storage pit - also called rua kōpiha.

Tēnei hikitia, i komotia ki roto ki te kōpiha kūmara nā Te Pekawhati (M 2006:146). / This was lifted up and placed inside the kūmara pit of Te Peka-whati.

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1. (stative) be boggy.

He hāpoko te wāhi nā (JPS 1926:244). / That place near you is boggy.

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2. (noun) covered kumara pit.

Kia rūpeke te kai ki te hāpoko (NM 1928:161). / The food should be collected in the covered kūmara pit.

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1. (noun) kumara pit.


1. (noun) a variety of kūmara.


1. (noun) a variety of kūmara.

Synonyms: kaihaka


1. (noun) a variety of kūmara.


1. (adjective) a variety of kumara.


1. (noun) a variety of kumara.


1. (noun) a variety of kumara.


1. (noun) a variety of kumara.


1. (noun) a variety of kumara.


1. (noun) a variety of kumara.

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