1. (noun) karamū, Coprosma lucida, Coprosma macrocarpa and Coprosma robusta - native shrubs and small trees with pale bark and large leathery glossy leaves. Flowers are greenish white, spindly, in loose clusters and the fruit reddish orange and much sought after by native birds.
Ka utaina ngā peka mākū o te whau me te karamū ki runga i te ahi, ko te koromāhu hei rongoā mō ngā poroiwi kua whati (Te Ara 2012). / Wet branches were thrown on a fire with whau and karamū, to make steam as treatment for broken bones.
See also kāramuramu
Synonyms: karangū, patutiketike, kāramuramu
1. (verb) to flash.
Kua tino kaha rawa te hau, e ua ana te ua, tuku pū te pōuri ki te moana, karamu ana te uira, papā ana te whatitiri, mā tonu te moana i te ngaru ānō he kareko (TWMNT 1/12/1874:303). / The wind had become extremely strong, the rain was falling, intense darkness settled on the ocean, the lightning flashed, the thunder rumbled, and the sea was quite white with waves as if it was calico.