1. (stative) be aromatic, fragrant, sweet-smelling, nice-smelling, scented.
E kī ana tētehi kōrero, i moe iho a Kupe i te pō ka kite i te atua, i a Io, ka tohutohungia mai ki a ia me whiti mai ia i Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa ki te whenua tērā e whakakitea ki a ia 'he whenua e tauria ana e te kohurangi, he whenua mākūkū, e kakara ana te oneone, kei Tiritiri-o-te-moana e tau ana' (NIT 1995:13). / One narrative says that Kupe was asleep one night when he saw the atua, Io, who instructed him to cross the Pacific Ocean to the land that would be revealed to him, 'a land covered by mist, a damp land with fragrant soil, lying at Tiritiri-o-te-moana'.
Synonyms: whakakakara
2. (noun) fragrant smell, scent, fragrance, aroma, bouquet, perfume.
Ko te tohu a Tūrongo ko te pai o te kakara o te hinu raukawa, pania ai e Māhina-a-rangi ki a ia, ka haere ai ki te tūtaki ki a Tūrongo (NIT 1995:71). / Tūrongo's clue was the attractive perfume of raukawa oil that Māhina-a-rangi put on herself when she went to meet Tūrongo.
Synonyms: whakakakara, wai kakara, hinu kakara, hinu rautangi, piro, tīare, tīere
2. (noun) conch shell trumpet - with an attached short, wooden mouthpiece.
3. (noun) Cook's turban shell, Cookia sulcata - a large, round, heavy univalve that lives under rocks just below low tide.
See also kāeo
4. (noun) knobble whelk, Austrofusus glans - a species of medium-sized sea snail or whelk, a marine gastropod mollusc.
5. (noun) dark rock shell, snail whelk, Haustrum haustorium - a large species of predatory sea snail. The shell has a low point, weak spiral groves and large aperature. Dark brown to purple in colour, white inside. Common among rocks between tides.
He tōrino te āhua o te anga o te kākara, he anga manauri, he mā a roto, he awaawa whāiti e kōmiro ana i te anga, he waha nui tonu. / The shell shape of the dark rock shell is spiral, a dark shell that is white inside having narrow grooves spiralling around the shell and it has a quite wide mouth opening.
hinu kakara
1. (noun) perfume, fragrant oil.
Ka tukua ā rātou nei hinu kakara, me ngā remu huia, me ngā hou toroa, me ngā ipu taramea ki te tino rangatira o taua pā nei, o Maungawhau (TAH 44:24). / Their fragrant oils, huia tail-feathers, albatross feathers, and containers of taramea scent were given to the head chief of the pā of Mount Eden.
Synonyms: hinu rautangi, kakara, whakakakara, wai kakara
wai kakara
1. (noun) scent, perfume, fragrance, aftershave.
Ka mutu tēnā mahi, ka tahuri ia ki te whakapīata i ōna hū, ki te hinu i ōna makawe, ki te pani hoki i a ia ki te wai kakara (TWK 1:12). / When that task was finished he began to shine his shoes, to oil his hair and to apply himself with aftershave.
Synonyms: hinu rautangi, kakara, whakakakara, hinu kakara, tīere, piro, tīare
tahu kakara
1. (noun) censer - a vessel in which incense is burnt.
Ā me mau e tēnei, e tēnei o koutou tāna tahu kakara, ka mea he whakakakara ki runga, ka kawe ai tēnā i tāna tahu kakara, i tāna ki te aroaro o Īhowa, kia rua rau kia rima tekau ngā tahu kakara (PT Tauanga 16:17). / And take every man his censer, and put incense in them, and bring ye before the Lord every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers.
paerongo kakara
1. (noun) olfactory epithelium, smell receptor.
Kei te takiwā o te tekau miriona ngā paerongo kakara kei te pongāhau o te tangata e rongo ai ia i te whānui o ngā kakara me ngā haunga (RP 2009:221). / There are approximately ten million smell receptors on the human nasal cavity enabling a person to sense the range of different smells (RP 2009:222).
2. (noun) breath freshner.