



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-ria,-tia) to put on clothes, dress.

He mano tini ā māua pōtae, kāone, tōkena, wēkete, hōro, aikiha, me ngā kākahu katoa e kākahuria ana e te tāne, e te wāhine, e te tamariki (TW 26/10/1878:539). / We have a great many hats, gowns, stockings, waistcoats, shawls, handkerchiefs and all the clothes worn by men, women and children.

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Synonyms: komo kākahu, kahu

2. (noun) garment, clothes, cloak, apparel, clothing, costume.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 33;)

Waiho atu ngā rīpene me ngā kākahu o te Pākehā mō ā te Pākehā kanikani (TP 5/1901:3). / Leave the ribbons and Pākehā clothes for the Pākehā dances.

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kākahu ōrite

1. (noun) uniform.

I te tīmatanga o te tau e mate nei ngā mātua ki te utu i ngā utu nui e hokona ai ngā kākahu ōrite mō te kura. At the beginning of the year, parents are forced to pay the heavy prices associated with buying school uniforms. /

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kākahu kura

1. (noun) cape of red feathers.

Nō te taenga mai ka takoto ngā taonga, te parawai, te kaitaka, te kākahu kura, he nui te taonga, he nui hoki te kaitaka harakeke nei, me ngā patu e rua, kotahi te patu he mere, he akerautangi tētahi, he ōnewa tētahi, ko Oneone te ingoa; ko te Haemata te mere akerautangi rā (JPS 1927:254). / On arrival the gifts were laid out, the fine cloaks of flax fiber and red-feather cloaks, many articles, including many mats and two weapons, one being a wooden mere of akerautangi wood, the other a dark grey stone weapon, the name of which was Oneone, that of the wooden weapon being the Haemata.

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kākahu moe

1. (noun) pyjamas.

Synonyms: kahumoe

kākahu tauā

1. (noun) mourning clothes.

Te kākahu tauā o ngā tāngata o Tonga he whāriki. Ka mate te tangata ka mau ōna whanaunga i te whāriki, ka rāpakitea ki runga ki a rātou (TP 11/1909:8). / The mourning garment of the people of Tonga is a mat. When the person dies his relatives wear the mat, which is wrapped around the waist down to the knees.

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kākahu haehae

1. (noun) ambush, feigned retreat - a war party pretends to flee to deceive the enemy and on a given signal the fleeing fighters turn and attack the pursuing enemy.

Ahakoa ngā tohutohu a Te Wherowhero, ka kōkiringia te kākahu haehae a Ngāti Toa me ōna karanga maha (TTR 1990:341). / Despite Te Wherowhero's orders, it charged a feigned retreat of Ngāti Toa and its allies.

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See also manukāwhaki

whata kākahu

1. (noun) wardrobe.

Kākahu taratara

1. Clothes of mourning: referred to symbolically when someone is in mourning.

E mau ana ia i te kākahu taratara / she is mourning.

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kākahu taumau

1. (noun) bridal wear.

kākahu kaukau

1. (noun) swimming costume, swimming togs.

whakaatu kākahu

1. (noun) fashion show.

Ka taea e ngā rōpū ākonga te whiriwhiri tētahi kaupapa e tū ai tētahi momo ngahau nui tonu mā tō rātou hapori. Hei tauira, ko tētahi pō whakanui i tētahi tikanga Māori, i tētahi āhuatanga Māori rānei, ko tētahi whakaaturanga kapa haka, ko tētahi pō whakaatu kākahu rānei (Ha 1999:80). / Students are able to select a topic that involves holding a type of important entertainment for their community, e.g. a night celebrating a Māori custom or Māori function, a kapa haka performance, or an evening fashion show.

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komo kākahu

1. to get dressed, put on clothes.

E tama, me komo kākahu koe. Kei te haere tātou ki te hoko i tētahi perehana mō Māmā. / Son, you had better get dressed. We are going to buy a present for Mum.

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Synonyms: kākahu, kahu

kaitui kākahu

1. (noun) tailor, dressmaker, seamstress, garment maker, outfitter.

Synonyms: kaitui, kaituitui

kaihoahoa kākahu

1. (noun) clothes designer.

I tipu ake he rakahinonga hou – ngā kaihanga kiriata, ngā kaihanga pūmanawa rorohiko, ngā kaikōpiro waipiro, ngā kaitunu kai me ngā kaihoahoa kākahu (Te Ara 2012). / A new breed of Māori entrepreneur developed – film makers, computer software developers, brewers, chefs and clothes designers.

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pūrere horoi kākahu

1. (noun) washing machine.

toa hoko kākahu

1. (noun) clothing shop.

mīhini whakamaroke kākahu

1. (loan) (noun) clothes dryer.

whare horoi kākahu

1. (noun) laundry, laundromat.

Ka pīkaua a Pēpē ki taku tuarā, ka haere a Takerei ki te whare horoi kākahu ki te tiki kānara me te pātara hei rama mō mātou (TWK 22:12). / Baby was carried on my back and Takerei went to the laundry to fetch candles and the bottle as a torch for us.

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Synonyms: rūma horoi kākahu

rūma horoi kākahu

1. (noun) laundry.

kākahu pai rawa atu

1. (noun) best clothes, Groppi mocker.

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