



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) swamp harrier, harrier hawk, Australasian harrier, Circus approximans gouldi - a large brown hawk with long-fingered wings which feeds on prey and carrion and is common on farmland, tussock land and swamps.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 20;)

Pērā hoki me Māui-pōtiki i tango rā i te āhua o te kāhu, o te kāeaea, o te ruru, o te kea, o te pekapeka, o te kiore, o te kererū, o te noke hoki; kātahi anō ka mate i a Hine-nui-te-pō i roto i tōna whare i Pōtaka-rongorongo. (JPS 1922:48). / It was thus that Māui-pōtiki took on the form of the harrier hawk, the New Zealand falcon, the morepork, the kea, the bat, the rat, the pigeon, and the worm; until he was finally killed by Hine-nui-te-pō in her house at Pōtaka-rongorongo.

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kāhu pōkere o te whenua

1. (noun) juvenile harrier hawk, immature harrier hawk (Circus approximans gouldi) - as the bird matures and ages the plumage changes from the blackish-brown of the juvenile immature bird to the pale greyish brown of the old bird.

See also kāhu, kāhu pango

Synonyms: kāhu pango

kāhu pango

1. (noun) juvenile harrier hawk, immature harrier hawk (Circus approximans gouldi) - as the bird matures and ages the plumage changes from the blackish-brown of the juvenile immature bird to the pale greyish brown of the old bird.

See also kāhu

Synonyms: kāhu pōkere o te whenua

Matau-a-Māui, Te

1. (location) Hawke Bay.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 78;)

Ko Pāwhare te ingoa o te hau rangaranga te muri kei Te Matau-a-Māui (Te Ara 2013). / Pāwhare is the name of the north-north-east wind in Hawke’s Bay.

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1. (personal name) personification of the kāhu, or swamp harrier, Circus approximans gouldi.

Tangohia e koe i te āhua o Kērangi (JPS 1928:67). / You should take on the form of Swamp Harrier.

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2. (noun) swamp harrier, harrier hawk, Australasian harrier, Circus approximans gouldi - a large brown hawk with long-fingered wings which feeds on prey and carrion and is common on farmland, tussock land and swamps.

Ka karangatia e ia te kūkū, te kārearea, te kērangi, ka tae mai ki a ia (JPS 1928:373). / She called the New Zealand pigeon, the New Zealand falcon and the swamp harrier and they came to her.

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Whare Takiura o Kahungunu, Te

1. (noun) Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawke's Bay.


1. (verb) to act like a hawk, look rapaciously, look greedily.

Kia matakana tonu ia. Kia kāeaea ia ki mauī, ki matau (TTT 1/10/1925:316). / He will be continually watchful. He will look rapaciously left and right.

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2. (noun) bush hawk, New Zealand falcon, Falco novaeseelandiae.

Pērā hoki me Māui-pōtiki i tango rā i te āhua o te kāhu, o te kāeaea, o te ruru, o te kea, o te pekapeka, o te kiore, o te kererū, o te noke hoki; kātahi anō ka mate i a Hine-nui-te-pō i roto i tōna whare i Pōtaka-rongorongo. (JPS 1922:48). / It was thus that Māui-pōtiki took on the form of the harrier hawk, the New Zealand falcon, the morepork, the kea, the bat, the rat, the pigeon, and the worm; until he was finally killed by Hine-nui-te-pō in her house at Pōtaka-rongorongo.

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Synonyms: kārewarewa, kāuaua, kāiaia, kaiawa, kārearea


1. (noun) kūmara moth, convolvulus hawk moth, Agrius convolvuli - a grey-brown native moth which was often seen sucking nectar from the flowers of the gourd plant. The large caterpillar (hōtetekauā or kauwaha) was a pest in gardens, eating the leaves of the kūmara.

See also hīhue

Synonyms: kōwenewene, hīhue

Hāku Pei

1. (loan) (location) Hawke's Bay.

Hāki Pei

1. (loan) (location) Hawke's Bay.

Ko te kura tuatahi i haere ai au, ko Nūhaka kei Hāki Pei (HP 1991:32). / The first school that I went to was Nūhaka in Hawke's Bay.

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1. (noun) New Zealand falcon, Falco novaeseelandiae, bush hawk, bush falcon - a fast-flying bird of prey which often perches high in trees or on a rock and swoops to catch its prey.

Ka tau rātou ki te kai, ka noho kē tētahi ki runga rawa i tētahi rākau hei tūtei, ka kite ia i te kāhu, i te kārearea rānei e rere ana, ka puta tana tangi kē (TWM 18/7/1867:3). / When they land to eat one remains right up in a tree as a sentry and when it sees a harrier hawk or a New Zealand falcon it utters a sharp screech.

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See also kāeaea

Synonyms: kārewarewa, kāuaua, kāiaia, kaiawa, kāeaea

kāhu kōrako

1. (noun) old harrier hawk (Circus approximans gouldi) - as the bird ages the plumage fades from dark brown to pale greyish brown.

See also kāhu

2. (noun) chief, highest-ranking leader.

Ko Pōkaia, hei pāpā ki a Hōne Heke, te kāhu kōrako o te riri (TTR 1990:18). / Pōkaia, an uncle of Hōne Heke, was the war leader.

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kāhu maiepa

1. (noun) adult harrier hawk (Circus approximans gouldi).

See also kāhu

kāhu komokomo

1. (noun) adult harrier hawk (Circus approximans gouldi).


1. (noun) New Zealand falcon, Falco novaeseelandiae, bush hawk, bush falcon - a fast-flying bird of prey which often perches high in trees or on a rock and swoops to catch its prey.

Kātahi ka mahia e ia āna ātahu ki tāna kāiaia, he mokamokai nāna, ka tukuna mai kia rere mai ki te kāinga o Reitū. Rokohanga atu e te kāiaia rā i te mahau a Reitū o tāna whare e noho ana (NIT 1995:137). / Then he performed his spell over his pet falcon, setting it loose to fly to Reitū's home. The falcon found Reitū in the porch of her house.

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See also kārearea

Synonyms: kārewarewa, kāuaua, kaiawa, kārearea, kāeaea


1. (noun) New Zealand falcon, Falco novaeseelandiae, bush hawk, bush falcon - a fast-flying bird of prey which often perches high in trees or on a rock and swoops to catch its prey.


1. (noun) New Zealand falcon, Falco novaeseelandiae, bush hawk, bush falcon - a fast-flying bird of prey which often perches high in trees or on a rock and swoops to catch its prey.

See also kārearea

Synonyms: kāuaua, kāiaia, kaiawa, kārearea, kāeaea


1. (noun) New Zealand falcon, Falco novaeseelandiae, bush hawk, bush falcon - a fast-flying bird of prey which often perches high in trees or on a rock and swoops to catch its prey.

He pēnā mai aua toa ki te ngeru ki te hopu kiore, ki te kāuaua rānei ki te hopu i te pīhoihoi. / Those warriors were like a cat catching mice, or a New Zealand falcon catching a New Zealand pipit.

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See also kārearea, kāeaea

Synonyms: kārewarewa, kāiaia, kaiawa, kārearea, kāeaea


1. (noun) finger holes of a flute.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 168-171;)

2. (noun) kūmara moth, convolvulus hawk moth, Agrius convolvuli - a grey-brown native moth with a striped body. Often seen sucking nectar from the flowers of the gourd plant. The large caterpillar (hōtetekauā orkauwaha) was a pest in gardens, eating the leaves of the kūmara.

See also hīhue

Synonyms: hīue, hīhue

kanohi kāhu

1. (adjective) be long-sighted, hawk-eyed.

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