2. (interjection) Hello (literal translation - be well) (to any number of people). Kia ora can mean hello, good morning, good afternoon and thank you (PQ 2020: 62).
1. (noun) luck, good fortune.
Ka whiwhi ētahi o tātau i te utu nui o te reti, i te utu nui o te hoko, māngaringari ake i tā te kaitiaki o tēnei motu, otiia he auē te mahi nui a te iwi Māori i ngā tau katoa (TPH 30/11/1903:3). / Some of us obtained good rental payments and big payments from sales, and were fortunate with the guardian of this country, but wailing has been the main activity of the Māori people throughout the years.
Synonyms: māngari, waimaria, waimarie, waimarietanga, angitu
2. (noun) good fortune, luck.
Ka koa katoa rātou mō tō rātou waimaria (TWK 1:19). / They were happy about their good fortune.
Synonyms: māngari, waimarie, waimarietanga, angitu, māngaringari
2. (adjective) be lucky, fortunate, fortuitous, fortunately, providential.
He waimarie kē te hokinga atu o Murupaenga i te pokapū o taua tau anō (TTR 1990:63). / The return of Murupaenga in the middle of that same year was fortuitous.
3. (modifier) lucky, fortunate, fortuitous, fortunately, providential.
Kāore he tangata o te Kāreti i taka i tēnei tau pērā i tērā tau; nō reira he tau waimarie tēnei (TKO 2/1915:10). / Nobody of the College has failed this year like last year, so this has been a lucky year.
4. (noun) good fortune, luck.
Kāti, e kī ana te Kāwanatanga, nō ngā ariki o te ngāherehere tēnei waimarie (HP 1991:280). / Well, the Government were saying that this good fortune was due to the owners of the forest.
Synonyms: māngari, waimaria, waimarietanga, angitu, māngaringari
1. (noun) good fortune, luck.
Nā ēnei waimarietanga o tātou ki tā rātou mātakitaki mai e hēmanawa nei, e whanowhanoā nei, e puku nei ō rātou rae ki te arokore mai o te iwi Korukoru (HM 4/1989:3). / When they see how fortunate we are they are exasperated, annoyed and angry at the indifference of the Turkish people.
Synonyms: māngari, waimaria, waimarie, angitu, māngaringari
2. (noun) luck, fortune, good fortune.
Māngari nei ka kitea te wāhi ki ngā reo o te tangata whenua (HM 1/1993:1). / One would be lucky to find evidence of the languages of the indigenous people.
Synonyms: waimaria, waimarie, waimarietanga, angitu, māngaringari