1. (noun) a fish.
Synonyms: mōhakihaki
2. (modifier) lookout.
E whakanohohia tētahi tangata i runga i te taumata matira i ngā rā katoa hei matira ki te tangata haere, ki te ope taua rānei (JPS 1928:172). / A man was stationed on the lookout summit every day to watch the travellers, or for war parties.
3. (noun) fishing rod.
He mea here te tautau ki te matira mānuka (Te Ara 2011). / The bob was tied to a mānuka rod.
See also tautara
4. (noun) lookout.
Ka whakanōhia ahau hei matira mō tō mātou rōpū. / I was stationed as a lookout for our group.
Synonyms: kaititiro
2. (noun) victim, slain warrior, person slain in battle.
He maha hoki rātau e noho whanaunga ana ki ngā ngohi o ngā tukinga a Te Kooti (TTR 1990:387). / Many of them were related to victims of the raids by Te Kooti.
3. (noun) troop, company (of fighting men) division, column.
Ka tū mai anō hoki ko ngā ngohi o Ngāti Ruanui me ērā atu iwi o Taranaki hei tuarā mō Ngā Rauru (TTR 1990:148). / Ngāti Ruanui and other Taranaki tribes also raised troops to support Ngā Rauru.
2. (noun) a fish.
2. Trouble.
3. (adjective) stupid.
2. (transitive verb) murumur at, show discontent with.
2. (noun) a fish.
2. (noun) angling, line fishing.
I Koukourarata ana pakeke e noho ana, arā, he nohanga kāinga nei kei Horomaka, Hakaroa rānei nō tētahi hunga hī ika, hunga mahi pāmu itiiti noa nei, ā, otirā he hī ika nei te mahi a tōna pāpā (TTR 2000:201). / Her parents were living at Port Levy, that is at a community of fishermen and small farmers on Banks Peninsula, but fishing was what her father did.
2. (noun) a fresh water fish.
3. cause.
1. (noun) telescope fish, Mendosoma lineatum have jaws that extend outwards. They use these to prey on plankton and small fish. Telescope fish grow to around 40 centimetres and are found mainly in southern waters from Kapiti Island to the subantarctic Auckland Islands.
Ko te tāmure me te hake ki te raki, ko te tāngahangaha, te koihi, te puaihakarua ki te tonga (Te Ara 2013). / Snapper and kingfish are to the north, while banded wrasse, telescope fish and sea perch are to the south.