



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (personal name) Christ - central figure of the Christian religion.

Nō te rā hāpati i kauhau ai a Te Karaiti, i roto i ngā whare karakia (TP 8/1904:8). / On the sabbath day Christ preached in the churches.

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Ihu Karaiti

1. (loan) (personal name) Jesus Christ - the central figure of the Christian religion.

Ko te pukapuka o te whakapapa o Ihu Karaiti, tama a Rāwiri, tama a Aperahama (PT Matiu 1:1). / The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

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See also Ihu

Hāhi o Te Karaiti

1. (loan) (noun) Church of Christ.

Ka pātai mai ki a au, 'Ko ēhea hāhi?' Ka whakautu atu au, 'Ko te Hāhi Weteriana, ko te Hāhi Mihingare, ko te Hāhi Perehipitiriana, ko te Hāhi Whakaminenga, ko te Hāhi o Te Karaiti.' (HP 1991:316-317) / He asked me, 'Which churches?' I replied, 'The Methodist Church, the Church of England, the Presbyterian Church, the Congregational Church and the Church of Christ.'

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Hāhi Mōmona

1. (loan) (noun) Mormon Church, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Nā tētahi o ngā pakeke o Ngāti Rākaipākā, nō te Hāhi o te Hunga Tapu o Ngā Rā o Muri nei, arā, te Hāhi Mōmona, i tuku tētahi pānga whenua hai whakatū i a Kahungunu ki runga (HP 1991:80). / One of the elders of Ngāti Rākaipākā belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, that is the Mormon Church, ceded a piece of land on which to erect Kahungunu.

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1. (loan) (modifier) Mormon.

He ui tēnei: kei whea tētahi tangata Moromona kua mārenatia ki ngā wāhine e rua o ēnei motu katoa? (TP 11/1901:9). / This is the question: where is the Mormon man of all these islands who has been married to two women?

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2. (loan) (personal name) Mormon.

He whakaaro rānei nō rātou he pai kē atu mō mātou mō te Māori te rumaki, te Pukapuka a Moromona... (HKW 5/1899:6). / Or do they think that we, the Māori, are better to get into the Book of Mormon...

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3. (loan) (noun) Mormon, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

E huaina hētia nei he Moromona, ki ētahi te Mōmona (TJ 14/9/1899:15). / They are incorrectly called Mormons.

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Synonyms: Mōmona

Hāhi o Ihu Karaiti o Ngā Hunga Tapu o Ngā Rā o Muri Nei

1. (loan) (noun) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

He tūpuna rongonui ngā tūpuna o Tūati, ā, i mua i tana whānautanga i poropititia, māna e ora mai ai ōna tūpuna; taihoa kitea ai ko te mahi iriiri a te Hāhi o Ihu Karaiti mō te Hunga Tapu o ngā Rā o Muri Nei, arā, a te Hāhi Mōmona i te hunga kua mate kē noa atu te tikanga o te kōrero nei (TTR 1998:110). / Stuart's ancestors were distinguished and before he as born it was prophesied that he would save his ancestors; this was later seen as a prediction of the practice of baptism of the dead by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that is the Mormon Church

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1. (loan) (modifier) Mormon.

Me kōrero anō e koe aku kōrero tuatahi mō te Hāhi Mōmona, kāore anō kia tino mau i a koe (TP 1/12/1899:6). / You should reread my first account about the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), which you have not yet fully grasped.

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2. (loan) (personal name) Mormon.

Tokorua ngā tino tāngata i roto i taua kōrero tara, ko Mōmona rāua ko tāna tamaiti… (HKW 4/1898:3). / There were two main characters in that narrative, Mormon and his son…

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3. (loan) (noun) Mormon, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Titiro ki tēnei kauhau a te Mōmona... (TP 7/1908:5). / Look at this preaching of the Mormon...

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Synonyms: Moromona

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