1. (noun) resting place, anchorage, fishing ground, place to land, mooring, landing pad, terminal.
Kei te mōhio katoa rātau ki ngā tauranga tāmure, tauranga tarakihi, tauranga hāpuku me ērā atu ika o te moana (TWK 54:3). / They know all the fishing grounds for snapper, tarakihi, groper and those other fish of the sea.
Synonyms: tumu herenga waka, pou herenga waka, herenga waka, taunga, okiokinga
tauranga ika
1. (noun) fishing ground.
Nō ngā tau 1907, 1916, me 1919, i tuku petihana ai a Ngāti Hinepare rāua ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Pāremata, tono atu rānei ki te Kōti Whenua Māori, kia whakamanahia, kia tiakina hoki ō rātou tauranga ika me ērā atu o ā rātou taonga i Te Whanganui-a-Ōrotu (TTR 1998:235). / In 1907, 1916 and 1919 Ngāti Hinepare and Ngāti Kahungunu petitioned Parliament or applied to the Native Land Court to recognise and protect their fishing grounds and other rights in Te Whanganui-a-Orotu (the Napier inner harbour).
1. (location) Mount Maunganui (Tauranga).
Nā Tamatea-arikinui i hoatu te ingoa ‘Maunganui’ hei ingoa anō mō Mauao, hei whakamaharatanga ake ki tētahi maunga hanga rite i Hawaiki (Te Ara 2011). / Tamatea-arikinui gave the name Maunganui as another name for Mauao in memory of a similar mountain in Hawaiki.
Ngāi Te Rangi
1. (personal noun) tribal group of Matakana Island and north Tauranga area.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 42;)
Heoi, nō taua wā anō ka tae mai te rongo, kua horo a Te Tumu pā i Kaituna, Maketū rā, kua mate a Ngāi Te Rangi i a Te Arawa (JPS 1900:70). / It was about this time that news arrived of the fall of Te Tumu pā, at Kaituna, near Maketū, in which the Ngāi Te Rangi tribe was defeated by Te Arawa.
1. (personal noun) crew of this canoe from Hawaiki are claimed as ancestors by tribes of the Waikato, King Country and Tauranga areas.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 30;)
Ko ngā kaumoana o Tainui waka te tuatahi ki te hanga i tētehi tūāhu ki reira (TTR 1996:232). / The crew of the Tainui canoe were the first to build a sacred place for rituals there.
2. (personal noun) term used for the tribes whose ancestors came on the Tainui canoe and whose territory includes the Waikato, Hauraki and King Country areas.
I te Maehe o 1929, he wāhi nui tō Āpirana Ngata i te kawanga o Māhinārangi, te whare nui o Tainui, i Tūrangawaewae marae i Ngāruawāhia (TTR 1996:114). / In March 1929 Āpirana Ngata played an important part in the opening of Māhinārangi, the Tainui meeting house, at Tūrangawaewae marae in Ngāruawāhia.
3. (location) a term for the territory of the tribes descended from the crew of the Tainui canoe.
Nā Te Puea i whakapakari ngā tūhonohono paihere tangata o te Kīngitanga ki waho o te rohe o Tainui (TTR 1996:50). / Te Puea strengthened Kingitanga networks beyond Tainui territory.
1. (location) Mount Maunganui (Tauranga).
Nā Tamatea-arikinui i hoatu te ingoa ‘Maunganui’ hei ingoa anō mō Mauao, hei whakamaharatanga ake ki tētahi maunga hanga rite i Hawaiki (Te Ara 2011). / Tamatea-arikinui gave the name Maunganui as another name for Mauao in memory of a similar mountain in Hawaiki.
See also Maunganui