2. (noun) covering, tablecloth.
Ko ngā uwhi whakamahana tīpāta e hokohokona ana e ia, nāna tonu i whatu (TTR 1996:71). / She also sold tea cosies, which she made herself.
1. (noun) yam, Dioscorea alata.
Ka hiahia a Papa-pou-namu ki te haere ki Kaihu. Ka tae, ka kite i te kūmara, i te taro, i te uwhi, i te roroi, i te kao (JPS 1923:233). / Papa-pounamu wanted to go to Kaihu. When he arrived there, he saw the kūmara, taro, yams, the grated kūmara and the dried kūmara.
uwhi para
1. (noun) king fern, horseshoe fern, Marattia salicina - huge, tufted native ground fern with unusually large, heavy, dark, glossy fronds, divided into long, strap-like leaflets. Stalks clasping at base, with large ear-like lobes. The underground stems were an important food.
See also para
Synonyms: para, parareka, paratawhiti