2. (location) the left hand, left.
Ka wehe te moana i taua wā tonu, ngā wai ki mauī, ki katau (HP 1991:122). / At that very moment the sea separated, the water went to the left and to the right.
3. (noun) left hand, left side.
Ka maunu te toki a Kahukura, ka whiua nā te mauī, nā te katau, ko te tukunga atu i reira, kua rewa a Kahukura i roto i te toto (JPS 1895:94). / Kahukura drew his axe, and struck left and right, so that when he left that place he was covered with blood.
Synonyms: mahue, ringa whāngai, ringa mauī, hema
4. (noun) cat's cradle, string game - a game in which a loop of string is placed around and between the fingers and complex patterns are formed.
ringa mauī
1. (noun) lefthanded.
Synonyms: hemarehe
2. (noun) left hand, left arm.
I konei ka whara tana ringa mauī, ka ngaro te māpere me te mānawa (TTR 1990:220). / Here he was wounded losing the two middle fingers of his left hand.
Synonyms: ringa whāngai, hema, mauī
2. (noun) (sport) left wing.
matau a Māui
1. (noun) hook sedge, hook grass, bastard grass, Uncinia uncinata - a grasslike hooked sedge native to Aotearoa/New Zealand, the Society Islands, and Hawai‘i. Its natural habitat is from the coast up to 1000 metres, and is found in areas ranging from native forest to shrubland. Forms dense mounds of orange-red, or green, arching leaves about 50 cm high.
Hutinga a Māui, Te
1. (location) North Island - an old name.
Haere, e pā! Haere ki te pito whakararo o Te Hutinga a Māui (TKP 25/10/1858:2). / Farewell, sir! Go to the northern end of the North Island.
Synonyms: Aotearoa, Ika-a-Māui, Te, Ikaroa-a-Māui, Te
1. (personal name) well-known Polynesian character of narratives. He performed a number of amazing feats. Also known as Māui-tikitiki-o-Taranga and Māui-pōtiki.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 62-63, 73, 82-85, 86-87;)
Kātahi ka kī atu a Māui ki ōna taokete, 'Kaua koutou e kata ki a au ina tomo au ki roto ki a Hine-nui-te-pō.' (TPH 30/11/1911:9) / Then Māui said to his brothers-in-law, 'You must not laugh at me when I go into Hine-nui-te-pō.'
See also Māui-tikitiki-o-Taranga, Māui-pōtiki, atua
Pōmare, Māui Wiremu Piti Naera
1. (personal name) (1875/76?-1930) Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Toa; leader, medical officer, health reformer and politician, he graduated MD in 1899. He held the Western Māori seat from 1911 until his death.
Ko Māui Wiremu Piti Naera Pōmare tētehi o te whakatupuranga o ngā kaingārahu Māori i kuraina i te Kāreti o Te Aute i te tekau tau atu i 1890 (TTR 1996:137). / Māui Wiremu Piti Naera Pōmare was one of the generation of Māori leaders educated at Te Aute College in the 1890s.