



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) huhu grub, Prionoplus reticularis - an edible grub found in decayed wood.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 27;)

Pūrangatia mā koutou he taonga ki te rangi, ki te wāhi e kore ai e whakakino te huhu, te waikura (KO 15/9/1883:3). / Pile up treasures in heaven for yourselves, in the place where huhu grubs and rust will not damage them.

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1. (noun) peephole.


1. (intransitive verb) be quick.


1. (verb) to hiss, whiz, buzz, whirr, swish, hum.

I rangona kautia ake e ia ki te huhū o te patu e haere iho ana ki tōna angaanga (NM 1928:78). / He heard the swish of the patu coming down towards his skull.

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2. (verb) call, cry.

Hōkio, manu rā e huhū i te rangi (NIT 1995:311). / Hōkio, the bird that calls in the sky.

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3. (noun) bullroarer - a traditional Māori musical instrument made of wood, stone or bone attached to a long string.

See also pūrerehua


1. (verb) (-tia) to strip off (a covering), cast off (a rope).

2. (verb) (-a) to free from tapu.

I te taenga atu ka kawea ki te wai ki te whakaruku i a ia, e haere tapu tonu ana mai i te tanumanga i a Tamatekapua; kātahi ka huhua, ka noa (NM 1928:67). / When they arrived they were taken to the water to be cleansed because they were still tapu from the burial of Tamatekapua; then they were freed from tapu and in the state of noa.

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pōtaka huhū

1. (noun) humming top.

Ko te pōtaka huhū: He pōtaka porotaka te tinana, he koi tētahi pito, he pāraharaha te tumuaki, ka kōture mai he pihi i te tumuaki, ka takaia he miro ki te pihi kia huhū ai ina tāia (PK 2008:676). /

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tunga rākau

1. (noun) huhu grub, Prionoplus reticularis.

tunga haere

1. (noun) huhu grub, Prionoplus reticularis - a grub found in decaying wood.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 27;)


1. (modifier) decaying, aching (of a tooth).

Ko mātau ko tēnei iwi kai te titiro anō ki ngā tikanga o roto i te pire nei, kitea iho e mātau kore rawa he niho tunga i roto he niho koi anake (TJ 30/8/1898:8). / This tribe and I are looking again at the processes in this bill and we can see that there are no decaying teeth in it, there are only sharp teeth.

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Synonyms: māioio

2. (noun) huhu grub, Prionoplus reticularis.

I whānau mai tēnei ngārara, te tūngoungou, i roto i te pōpopo rākau. Te putanga mai he tunga, ka noho tonu anō ia i roto i te pōpopo rākau, ka roa ia e noho ana, kua puta he parirau mōna, ka kīia tōna ingoa i tēnā wā he pepe. Ka roa ia e noho ana kua puta ki waho o te pōpopo. Tōna putanga ki waho kua rere he pango te āhua, i mua i tēnei he mā kē tōna āhua, ka kīia i tēnā wā he pokaka. I muri i tēnā kua rerekē tōna āhua kua kīia he pūrerehua kai hue. I muri i tēnā kua hoki ia ki roto i te oneone, tōna putanga ake he tūngoungou (TP 11/1909:4). / This creature, the pupa, is born in rotten wood. It appears as a grub which continues to live in rotten wood. After a long time living there, wings appear for it and at this stage its called a moth. After a long time it emerges out of the rotten wood. When it emerges it flies off and has a dark appearance, whereas before this it is white and at that stage it is called a pokaka. After that its appearance changes and its called a gourd eating moth. After that it returns to the ground and reappears as a pupa.

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See also tunga rākau, tunga rere

Synonyms: tunga rākau, tunga rere, pepe te muimui, tunga haere

tunga rere

1. (noun) huhu beetle, Prionoplus reticularis - Aotearoa/New Zealand's largest beetle. Found in forests.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 27;)

pepe te muimui

1. (noun) huhu beetle, Prionoplus reticularis - Aotearoa/New Zealand's largest beetle. Found in forests.

Tari Mātauranga, Te

1. (loan) Department of Education (now called Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga).


1. (personal noun) crew of this canoe from Hawaiki are claimed as ancestors by Ngāti Whātua and some northern tribes.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 31;)

Heke ai a Ngāti Whātua-o-Ōrākei i te kotahitanga o ngā iwi o Ngāti Whātua, arā, i a Te Roroa rātou ko Te Uri-o-Hau, ko Te Taoū. Heke ai te kotahitanga iwi nei i a Tumutumuwhenua (ko Tuputupuwhenua rānei) i ērā hoki o te waka o Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi (Te Ara 2011). / Ngāti Whātua-o-Ōrākei descend from the Ngāti Whātua confederation of tribes, which also includes Te Roroa, Te Uri-o-Hau and Te Taoū. The confederation originates from the ancestor Tumutumuwhenua (also known as Tuputupuwhenua) and the Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi canoe.

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1. (verb) to become a beetle.

Ko te anuhe ka hou ki te whenua, ā, ka tātaka (W 1971:394). / The caterpillar enters the ground and then becomes a beetle.

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2. (noun) beetle - especially the brown beetle of the huhu when developing from larva to pupa. Also used for beetles that fly about clumsily at night.

Tērā ētahi o ngā uri a Tāne i mau i roto i ngā rākau ka hinga – te tātaka me te pepe (Te Ara 2013). / Inside the fallen trees were some of Tāne’s descendants – the larva of the huhu beetle, and the butterfly.

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