



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) fat, grease, lard, dripping, oil, petrol.

Homai te hinu ōriwa mō taku parāoa. / Pass the olive oil for my bread, please.

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Synonyms: hinu poaka, noni, kōhinu, penehīni

2. (noun) game - e.g. pigeons, rats, etc. preserved in their own fat.

Mōrunga rawa ake te rā ka puta ngā iwi i pōhiritia rā; ana, me he tuarā wharau ki te waha mai i ngā ika tauraki kua maroke, i ngā hāpuku, i ngā mangō, i ngā tawatawa, i ngā maomao, i te tini noa iho o ngā kai o te moana, ngā mahinga a tērā iwi nui tonu, a Te Ngutuau, me ngā iwi o te ngahere, o ngā maunga, e mau mai ana i te hinu, me ērā atu kai (JPS 1911:21). / The sun was already high when the tribes who were invited appeared; they were like the thatched roof of a house carrying the dried fish, hāpuku, shark, mackerel, maomao, and all kinds of provision from the sea, which had been got ready by that great tribe, the Ngutuau, and the tribes of the forest and the mountains, who brought game and other kinds of food.

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rukenga hinu

1. (noun) oil spill.

hinu pūkaha

1. (noun) sump oil.

hinu taramea

1. (noun) scent made from spear-grass.

I pania e te kōhine tana kakī ki te hinu taramea me kore ngā tāhae pūrotu e kōingo mai ki a ia (PK 2008:114). / The girl applied taramea scent to her neck in the hope that the handsome fellows would desire her.

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ine hinu

1. (noun) petrol gauge.

puna hinu

1. (noun) oil well.

Ko te tino whakaaro anō hoki o Tiamana kia mate a Romānia nō te mea he whenua tino hua mō te witi me ērā atu āhua kai, ā he tino wāhi hoki tēnei nō Ūropi mō ana puna hinu (TKO 11/1916:5). / And the main plan of the Germans is to defeat Romania because it is a country with huge resources of wheat and other sorts of food, and it is also the main source of oil wells in Europe.

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hinu poaka

1. (loan) (noun) lard.

Ka utua atu he hinu poaka ki runga i te ahi kia rewa, kia wera hoki (TAH 12:47). / Some lard was placed on the fire to melt and be heated.

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Synonyms: hinu

hinu makawe

1. (noun) hair cream, hair product.

hinu paina

1. (noun) turpentine.

pene hinu

1. (noun) crayon.

He tikanga toi ataata te toi rapirapi, inā ka rapia tētahi paparanga peita, paparanga pene hinu rānei, kia kitea ai te paparanga o raro iho (RTA 2014:183). / Sgraffito is a visual art technique where one layer of paint or crayon is scratched through to reveal the layer underneath (RTA 2014:183).

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peita hinu

1. (loan) (noun) oil paint.

He matatini te whakamahinga o te peita hinu (RTA 2014:131). / The production of oil paint is complex.

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hinu wheua

1. (noun) bone marrow.

Ora tonu hoki te kupu a te Atua, mana tonu, koi rawa atu i tētahi hoari matarua, ngoto tonu, ā wehea noatia te ngākau me te wairua, ngā ponapona me te hinu wheua (PT Ngā Hiperu 4:12). / For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow.

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mitimiti hinu

1. (noun) gas guzzler.

Me hoko pea he waka iti ake mōu. He mitimiti hinu ngā waka nui pēnā i tēnā nā (HJ 2012:33). / Perhaps you should buy a smaller vehicle. Big vehicles like that are gas guzzlers.

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ahi hinu

1. (noun) primus.

hinu mewaro

1. (noun) paraffin.

hinu urutapu

1. (noun) crude oil.

pēhanga hinu

1. (noun) oil pressure.

tārutunga hinu

1. (noun) oil spillage.

hinu rautangi

1. (noun) scented oil, perfume.

Anō ka rongo tana whaea i tana ui ki te hinu rautangi, ka mea atu taua whaea ōna, ki tētahi wahine hoahoa anō ōna, kia mahia e rāua he kakara mā Ponga (TWK 2:23). / And so when his aunt heard him asking about the scented oil, that aunt of his said to a female companion of hers that they should make that perfume for Ponga.

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Synonyms: kakara, whakakakara, wai kakara, hinu kakara

hinu kakara

1. (noun) perfume, fragrant oil.

Ka tukua ā rātou nei hinu kakara, me ngā remu huia, me ngā hou toroa, me ngā ipu taramea ki te tino rangatira o taua pā nei, o Maungawhau (TAH 44:24). / Their fragrant oils, huia tail-feathers, albatross feathers, and containers of taramea scent were given to the head chief of the pā of Mount Eden.

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Synonyms: hinu rautangi, kakara, whakakakara, wai kakara

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