1. (noun) mind, thought, intellect, consciousness, awareness.
Ko te take, ko tētahi rānei o ngā take, i rite ai te tangata ki te Atua nā te mea he hinengaro tō te tangata (TP 5/1906:1). / The reason, or one of the reasons, that humans are like God is because humans have an intellect.
Synonyms: ngākau, whatumanawa, pīnati, hirikapo, ihomatua
2. (stative) psychological.
2. (adjective) be absent-minded, forgetful.
Kāore tonu au i te maumahara kei whea ake nei aku mōhiti, he hinengaro makere nōku. / I can't remember just where my glasses are, I'm so forgetful.
Synonyms: pakihaha
3. (noun) forgetful person, scatterbrain.
Kātahi te hinengaro makere ko koe, e hoa. / What a forgetful person you are, my friend.
kaiwhakaora hinengaro
1. (noun) psychotherapist.
Synonyms: kaituku haumanu hinengaro
mātanga mate hinengaro
1. (noun) psychiatrist, mental health specialist.
Koia nei te wiki mate hinengaro, nā reira kei te hiahia ngā mātanga mate hinengaro kia huri ngā whakaaro o te tangata ki ngā momo mate hinengaro. / This is Mental Health awareness week, so psychiatrists want people to think about mental illness.
Synonyms: tākuta hauora hinengaro, rata hauora hinengaro
mātauranga mate hinengaro
1. (noun) psychiatry.
E whā ngā pēpa he mea pānui atu e Rina Moore ki te hui ā-taiao tuawhā mō te mātauranga mate hinengaro pāpori i Iharaira i te tau 1972 (TTR 2000:125). / Rina Moore delivered four papers at the fourth International Congress of Social Psychiatry in Israel in 1972.
Synonyms: mātai mate hinengaro
kaituku haumanu hinengaro
1. (noun) psychotherapist.
Synonyms: kaiwhakaora hinengaro
mātai mate hinengaro
1. (noun) psychiatry.
Synonyms: mātauranga mate hinengaro