



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) mind, thought, intellect, consciousness, awareness.

Ko te take, ko tētahi rānei o ngā take, i rite ai te tangata ki te Atua nā te mea he hinengaro tō te tangata (TP 5/1906:1). / The reason, or one of the reasons, that humans are like God is because humans have an intellect.

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Synonyms: ngākau, whatumanawa, pīnati, hirikapo, ihomatua

2. (stative) psychological.

hinengaro taihara

1. (noun) criminal mind.

kaimātai hinengaro

1. (noun) psychologist.

kai hinengaro

1. (noun) quiz.

hauora hinengaro

1. (noun) mental health.

mate hinengaro

1. (noun) psychiatric disorder, mental illness.

I whakamātau anō hoki a ia ki te whakakore atu i ngā mataku me ngā kōaro o te hunga noa mō te āhua o te mate hinengaro (TTR 2000:123). / She also attempted to dispel public fears and prejudices about mental illness.

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mātai hinengaro

1. (noun) psychology - scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a particular context.

whakaora hinengaro

1. (noun) psychotherapy - treatment of mental disorder by psychological means.

hinengaro makere

1. (verb) to be forgetful, absent-minded.

Nōku kē ka hoki mai nei ka whakaae kua hinengaro makere noa iho au nā te mea i wareware i a au te take i haere pērā atu ai au. / On my return I agreed that I had become absent-minded because I forgot why I went there.

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2. (adjective) be absent-minded, forgetful.

Kāore tonu au i te maumahara kei whea ake nei aku mōhiti, he hinengaro makere nōku. / I can't remember just where my glasses are, I'm so forgetful.

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Synonyms: pakihaha

3. (noun) forgetful person, scatterbrain.

Kātahi te hinengaro makere ko koe, e hoa. / What a forgetful person you are, my friend.

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kaiwhakamahereora hinengaro

1. (noun) mental health counsellor, mental health practitioner.

hinengaro hauā

1. (noun) intellectually handicapped.

kaiwhakaora hinengaro

1. (noun) psychotherapist.

rata mate hinengaro

1. (noun) psychiatrist.

hinengaro whakairo kupu

1. (noun) verbalist.

mātanga mate hinengaro

1. (noun) psychiatrist, mental health specialist.

Koia nei te wiki mate hinengaro, nā reira kei te hiahia ngā mātanga mate hinengaro kia huri ngā whakaaro o te tangata ki ngā momo mate hinengaro. / This is Mental Health awareness week, so psychiatrists want people to think about mental illness.

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Synonyms: tākuta hauora hinengaro, rata hauora hinengaro

mātauranga mate hinengaro

1. (noun) psychiatry.

E whā ngā pēpa he mea pānui atu e Rina Moore ki te hui ā-taiao tuawhā mō te mātauranga mate hinengaro pāpori i Iharaira i te tau 1972 (TTR 2000:125). / Rina Moore delivered four papers at the fourth International Congress of Social Psychiatry in Israel in 1972.

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Synonyms: mātai mate hinengaro

kaimātai hauora hinengaro

1. (noun) psychologist.

kaituku haumanu hinengaro

1. (noun) psychotherapist.

mātai mate hinengaro

1. (noun) psychiatry.

manga hauora hinengaro

1. (noun) mental health unit.

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