



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to crown.

He mea karauna ia ki te ture Atua, ki te ture kāwanatanga i whakaputaia mai nei, i roto i tōna whare wānanga Pāremata, i paiherea nei, e te iwi Ingarangi (TJ 4/1/1898:1). / She was crowned according to God’s law, and the law of government which issued forth from her Parliament, which was bound by the English people.

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2. (loan) (noun) crown.

Ka nui tō mātou pai kia rongo, kua whakakorea te Komiti te mea atu ki a te Kāwana kia whakangeingei i te mea o te karauna, ki a Arikihanara Makitonore (TW 12/2/1875:9). / We are pleased to learn that the Executive have refused to recommend his Excellency the Governor to extend the clemency of the Crown to Alexander McDonald.

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1. (loan) (noun) Crown, government.

Mō tētahi wāhanga o tēnei upoko o te Tiriti, e pā rā ki te hoko a te Kuīni, ko tōna tikanga e here ana mā te Karauna anake e hoko ngā whenua Māori (TTT 1/6/1922:8). / One part of this article of the Treaty concerns the purchases by the Queen, and it means that buying Māori lands is restricted solely to the Crown.

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Karauna karāti

1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to award a Crown grant - issued for a grant of land or to transfer Crown land into private ownership. When used in the passive in the sources, the passive ending is only used on the second word.

Nā, mō ngā rori, ka tuaruatia e au aku kupu i whakapuakina ki a koutou i Kemureti, arā kei ngā whenua kua Karauna karātitia ka hanga rori au i ngā wāhi e tika ana (TWMNT 8/5/1877:119). / Now, concerning the roads, I repeat what I said to you at Cambridge, that in lands covered by Crown grants I would make roads where necessary.

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2. (loan) (noun) Crown grant.

Hei tā Timi Kara, mā tēnei e kore ai te kōti e pōkia e te hāmenetanga heoi anō, he whakautu tēnei nā te kāwanatanga ki te whakatau a te Kaunihera Motuhake a te Kīngi, arā, ki tā te ture noa, kāore e taea e te Karauna karāti te tīkape, te whakakore noa atu rānei, te taitara whenua papatipu a te Māori (TTR 1994:13). / According to James Carroll, this would prevent the court being swamped by litigation; in fact, it was the government's response to the Privy Council decision, that is, under common law, native customary title could not simply be set aside or extinguished by Crown grants.

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haihana karauna

1. (loan) (noun) staff sergeant - a senior sergeant of an army company.

Ka homai e ngā haihana karauna he matā e rima māku i te tuatahi (HP 1991:114). / The staff sergeants initially gave me five cartridges.

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2. (loan) (personal name) Staff Sergeant - a title for a senior sergeant of an army company.

I tētahi rangi mai, i te ata, e haere ana au ki te kai ata i te whitu, ka tūtaki au ki a Haihana Karauna Mātoe, e haere ana anō ki te kai (HP 1991:172). / The next day in the morning, as I was going to breakfast at 7 am, I met Staff Sergeant Mātoe, who was also going to eat.

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whenua Karauna

1. (loan) (noun) Crown land.

Nā te kore mōhio o Te Awa-i-taia mēnā ka taea e te kāwanatanga te kī taurangi he hōia hei tuarā mōna, ka hangā e rātou ko tōna iwi te rori ki runga whenua Karauna i Whāingaroa (TTR 1990:174). / Te Awa-i-taia did not know if he could get a guarantee of armed support from the government, he and his people began construction of the road on Crown land at Whāingaroa.

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hinonga Karauna

1. (loan) (noun) Crown entity.

He hinonga Karauna motuhake tonu Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori, ā, kei a ia te mana i raro i te ture ki te whakatairanga i te reo Māori hei reo ka ora tonu, hei reo whitiwhitinga kōrero noa, ā, hei reo tūturu hoki mō Aotearoa (RT 2013:10). / The Māori Language Commission is a Crown entity and it has the authority under the law to promote the Māori language as a living language, as a language of normal communication, and as an official language of New Zealand.

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poutoko ture karauna

1. (noun) crown prosecutor.

whakahei ātanga Karauna

1. (loan) (noun) Crown grant.

Kua roa noa atu te Kōti e tuhi ana i te rangatiratanga o te whenua Māori, i te wā o ngā whakahei ātanga Karauna tuatahi, tae noa mai ki tēnei wā (RT 2013:108). / For a long time the Court has been recording the ownership of Māori land, from the time of the first Crown grant, right up until the present time.

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whakatuanui a te karauna

1. (loan) (noun) domination by the Crown, imperialism.

Kaitiaki Rēti Ngahere Karauna, Ngā

1. (loan) Crown Forestry Rental Trust.

Rōpū o te Karauna o Aotearoa

1. (loan) (noun) Royal Society of New Zealand.

Tari Ture o te Karauna, Te

1. (loan) Crown Law Office.

Mata Aroturuki Rawa a te Karauna, Te

1. (loan) Crown Company Monitoring Advisory Unit, Crown Ownership Monitoring Unit.

Komiti Ture o te Rūnanga Tohutohu a te Karauna

1. (loan) Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.

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