



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (modifier) normal, usual, natural, common, ordinary.

“He tino momo rānei te hōiho naka?” “Kāhore, he hōiho māori noa iho nei anō." (JPS 1893:117). / “Is that horse a thoroughbred?” “No, it is just an ordinary horse.”

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Synonyms: urutapu, horomata, kaipaipa, kai parāoa, noa, kai paipa

2. (modifier) native, indigenous, fresh (of water), belonging to Aotearoa/New Zealand, freely, without restraint, without ceremony, clear, intelligible.

Kakū ana tana ngao i ngā kai papai a te Pākehā, engari ko tēhea atu hoki i te kānga kōpiro, i te toroī, i te kōura mara, i te kina i rāua ki te wai māori mō ngā rā e toru, i te kōuka, i te mangō me te kererū huahua, he mea kōtutu katoa i roto anō i ōna hinu (TTR 1998:206). / He enjoyed the finest of Pākehā foods but relished fermented corn, pickled pūhā and mussels, crayfish fermented in fresh water, sea-urchins steeped in fresh water for three days, inner baby fronds of the cabbage tree, shark, and wild pigeons preserved entirely in their own fat.

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Synonyms: toi, taketake

3. (modifier) freely, without restraint, without ceremony, without object, unannounced.

Mō te tūpono peka māori mai koutou kia kite i tēnei whakahaere e kī nei mātou e mate ana i te tuakoka, i te pōhara, he whakatūpato noa atu tēnei kia kaua e whētuki i te āhua o tō mātou tari (HM 3/1994). / In case you make an unscheduled visit to see this operation, we are saying we are poverty-stricken, which is a caution to not be shocked at the nature of our office.

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4. (noun) aboriginal inhabitant, indigenous person, native.

I runga i te tima ka tūtaki ahau ki ētahi māori nō ngā motu, nō Hāmoa (TP 2/1903:10). / On the ship I met some indigenous people from the islands, from Samoa.

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See also Māori


1. (verb) to be Māori, apply in a Māori way.

Ahakoa i tīkina atu te kupu i te reo Pākehā, ko tana whakatakoto mai e Māori ana (Kāretu 2015). / Despite the word coming from English, its use is applied in a Māori way.

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2. (modifier) Māori.

Kai tēnei reanga te oranga o te reo Māori me ngā tamariki e whakaakona ana e rātau ki te reo (Kāretu 2015). / The health of the Māori language is with this generation and the children being taught the language by them.

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3. (noun) Māori, indigenous New Zealander, indigenous person of Aotearoa/New Zealand - a new use of the word resulting from Pākehā contact in order to distinguish between people of Māori descent and the colonisers.

I akona te reo Māori e ia nō te mea he ngākaunui ia ki te Māori (HP 1991:27). / He learnt the Māori language because he was kindly disposed towards Māori people.

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See also māori


1. (noun) aborigine.

ahuwhenua māori

1. (noun) organic farming.

manu māori

1. (noun) native bird, endemic bird.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 1-5, 9-20, 69, 108, 152, 163, 166, 167, 172;)

wai māori

1. (noun) freshwater, mineral water.

E kīia ana, kua tae mai ngā ika o Karapōnia, e kīa nei, he tarauta (e pēnei ana me te kōkopu wai māori a te Māori) ā kua tukua atu aua ika ki tētahi o ngā roto i Waikato (TW 2/11/1878:546). / It is reported that fish from California have arrived, which are called trout (and are like the Maori’s fresh water kōkopu) and those fish have been released in one of the lakes in Waikato.

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Whakaata Māori

1. (noun) Māori Television.

āhuatanga māori

1. (noun) natural feature.

kaupapa Māori

1. Māori approach, Māori topic, Māori customary practice, Māori institution, Māori agenda, Māori principles, Māori ideology - a philosophical doctrine, incorporating the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of Māori society.

Ka taea rānei te whakahou o ngā tikanga papai a te Māori ka ngaro nei? Ka taea rānei te whakahoki o te Māori ki ngā kaupapa Māori tūturu? Me āpiti atu ko ngā mahi a te Pākehā e tika ana hei āwhina atu i te kaupapa Māori (TTT 1/7/1927:615). / Can the beneficial Māori practices that are being lost be revived? Or are Māori able to return to a true Māori approach? Appropriate Pākehā practices to support the Māori approach should be incorporated.
Ko te reo Māori te reo o ngā kaupapa Māori. E tautokohia ana te reo Māori hei reo whaikōrero e Milroy me tana kī ko te whaikōrero he kupu Māori, nā reira, me Māori anō ngā kōrero (Rewi 2005:21). / The Māori language is the language of Māori institutions. Milroy supports the idea that Māori should be the language of whaikōrero (oratory) and he says that whaikōrero is a Māori word, therefore whaikōrero should be in Māori.

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mātauranga Māori

1. (noun) Māori knowledge - the body of knowledge originating from Māori ancestors, including the Māori world view and perspectives, Māori creativity and cultural practices.

Ka kīia e ētahi ko te mātauranga Māori i hangaia mai ai e te tangata Māori. / It is said by some that mātauranga Māori was created by Māori people.

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mate Māori

1. (noun) Māori sickness - psychosomatic illnesses attributed to transgressions of tapu or to mākutu.

Ko te mate Māori ko te mea i mate i te kēhua i runga i te mākutu a te tohunga. Ka taka ki roto ki tēnei whakaupoko te mate kohi i roto i te whānau, arā: —(1) Whakanoa i ngā mea tapu a te whānau; (2) takahi i ngā tohutohu a te tohunga; (3) takahi i ngā wāhi tapu e mōhiotia ana he tapu nō mua iho; (4) te turaki i ētahi rākau tapu. Ko tētahi mate ngāwari nei nā te kōrero a ētahi i whakanui, tau mai hoki te whakaae a te tohunga ka kīia he mate Māori (TP 4/1907:9). / Mate Māori was when someone became mysteriously sick as a result of a tohunga's witchcraft. Tuberculosis within a family falls into this category, caused by: (1) Treating the tapu things of the family as normal; (2) ignoring the advice of the tohunga; (3) walking on tapu places known to be tapu in the past; (4) and the felling of tapu trees. With the agreement of the tohunga, any simple illness can be said to be serious and called a mate Māori. (Part of a description of mate Māori by Tūtere Wī Repa.)
Ahakoa tonu te tini, te momo hoki o ōna rongoā, hei whakaora noa ēnei i ngā mate Māori (TTR 1998:170). / Although her healing remedies were many and varied, they were for healing Māori illnesses.

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tuari māori

1. (noun) normal distribution.

Ka kīia he ānau māori te rārangi e whakaatu ana i te tuari māori (arā, he hangarite te āhua o te rārangi) (TRP 2010:296). / A line showing normal distribution is called a normal curve (that is the shape of the line is symmetrical).

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ānau māori

1. (noun) normal curve (maths).

Ka kīia he ānau māori te rārangi e whakaatu ana i te tuari māori (arā, he hangarite te āhua o te rārangi) (TRP 2010:296). / A line showing normal distribution is called a normal curve (that is the shape of the line is symmetrical).

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rongoā māori

1. (noun) natural remedy, traditional treatment, Māori medicine.

Ka tae ki ēnei rā, kei te kaha te tautoko i ngā mahi Māori – tae atu ki te rongoā. Ka tahuri ētahi ki ngā rongoā Māori hei whakaora i ngā taumahatanga (Te Ara 2013). / Today Māori culture is strongly supported – including medicine. Some people have turned to these traditional treatments to heal serious illnesses.

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whakahaumako māori

1. (noun) natural fertiliser.

He pararopi ētahi whakahaumako, arā, ka takea mai i ngā matū pōpopo o te taiao, pērā i te wairākau, te rei, te paranoke, te tūtae kararehe, te tipu pōpopo me te rimurimu. He mea whai waro ēnei matū. Ka kīia ēnei he whakahaumako māori (RP 2009:442). / Some fertilisers are organic, that is they originate from biodegradable material of the environment, such as compost, peat, vermicast, animal dung, rotted plants and seaweed. These materials have carbon. These are called natural fertilisers.

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momo māori

1. (noun) native species.

Ko ētahi rauropi nō Aotearoa, nō ētahi atu whenua hoki, pērā i te pārera. Ka kīia he momo māori ēnei (RP 2009:291). / Some organisms are from both New Zealand and some other countries, like the wild duck. These are said to be native species.

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Wātene Māori

1. (loan) Māori Warden.

Tari Māori

1. (loan) Department of Native Affairs, Department of Māori Affairs.

Kōti Māori

1. (loan) Native Circuit Court.

Synonyms: Kōti Whakawā

moe māori

1. (noun) customary marriage, de facto marriage, common law marriage, cohabitation.

I te āhua nei nō te tau 1927, ka tūtaki a Hōne Heke ki a Parani Maihi o Ngāti Hau o Te Hokianga, ā, moea ana e ia hei wahine tuarua māna, i runga i te tikanga moe Māori (TTR 1998:151). / It would seem that in 1927 Hōne Heke met Parani Maihi of Ngāti Hau of Hokianga, and he took her as a second wife in a customary marriage.

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