1. (noun) relative, kin, relation, cousin, member of the same hapū, subscription.
Nō te wā ka tata ia te mate, ka whai kupu iho ia ki ōna huānga (TTT 1/6/1922:3). / When he was about to die he made a speech to his relations.
He tēpara mō ngā whanaunga, mō ngā huānga e āraia nei e te Karaipiture, e te ture hoki a te Hāhi kei mārena ki a rāua (Ma 1885:15). / A table for the relations, and the progeny forbidden to marry each other by the Scripture and by the law of the Church.
Synonyms: uri, whanaunga, ngare, pākanga, karawa, pānga, waiū
2. (noun) member (of a set), element (maths).
Ko te huānga te mea kotahi o roto i tētahi huinga. Arā pea, ko tētahi o ngā tau o roto i tētahi huinga tau, o tētahi āhua rānei o roto i tētahi huinga āhua (TRP 2010:126). / An element is one member out of a set. For example, one number from a set of numbers, or one shape from a set of shapes (TRP 2010:126).
huānga whakaari
1. (noun) elements of drama, elements of theatre.
Ko ngā huānga whakaari ngā āhuatanga tūāpapa o tēnei momo o rēhia, arā, ko ngā kiriwhakaari, ko te hunga mātakitaki, ko te ringatohu, ko te atamira me ōna whakarākeitanga, ko te paki anō hoki (RMR 2017). / The elements of drama are the foundational aspects of this form of the performing arts, namely the actors, the audience, the director, the stage and its set, the story or text of the play. (RMR 2017).