1. (noun) experience, intimate acquaintance.
I mua i te taenga mai o te Pākehā, i ā te Māori anō āna ake mahi toi hei whakamārama i ngā kitenga, i ngā rongo me ngā manako o te wairua, o te hinengaro me te tinana. I tipu ake ēnei toi i te wairua, i te hinengaro me ngā wheako o te iwi, mai i ngā wā o mua rā anō ki nāianei (To 1999:6). / Prior to the arrival of the Pākehā, the Māori had their own art to explain the perceptions, feelings and yearnings of the spirit, mind and body. These arts developed from the spirit, mind and the experiences of the people from ancient times through to the present.
2. (noun) practical.
kupumahi wheako
1. (noun) experience verb - a verb that names a mental state, attitude, perception or experience. Although experience verbs function like transitive verbs (kupumahi whiti) in some ways, they differ in others. Common experience verbs include: kite, rongo, mārama, pīrangi, mōhio, hiahia, mahara, tūmanako. Generally with experience verbs (except kite) their objects are marked with ki, e.g. Kei te mōhio au ki tō pāpā. (I know your father.) Experience verbs function like adjectives when used in commands in that they are preceded by kia, not e or nothing, e.g. Kia maumahara! (Remember!).
tūmahi wheako
1. (noun) experience verb - a verb that names a mental state, attitude, perception or experience. Although experience verbs function like transitive verbs (tūmahi whiti) in some ways, they differ in others. Common experience verbs include: kite, rongo, mārama, pīrangi, mōhio, hiahia, mahara, tūmanako. Generally with experience verbs (except kite) their objects are marked with ki, e.g. Kei te mōhio au ki tō pāpā. (I know your father.) Experience verbs function like adjectives when used in commands in that they are preceded by kia, not e or nothing, e.g. Kia maumahara! (Remember!).
Ko te tūmahi wheako he kupumahi whakaatu i te wheako, i te waiaro. / An experience verb is a verb indicating an experience or attitude.