1. (noun) house, building, residence, dwelling, shed, hut, habitation.
Kua tūtakina te whare none i Tūranga nei, kua hokona te whare me te whenua, ko ngā none kua hoki anō ki te kākahu o te ao (TP 11/1904:11). / The nunnery here in Gisborne has closed and the land and building have been sold, the nuns have returned to worldly garments.
Synonyms: kāenga, kāinga, pāhoka, pāhokahoka, māhauhau, wharau, hēte, hēti
2. (noun) people in a house.
E te whare nei, titiro tāua ki te tangata nei (NM 1928:52). / People of this house, let us look at this man.
3. (noun) suit (cards).
whare pūrākau
1. (noun) school of learning where tohunga taught esoteric knowledge, rituals, karakia, history and creation narratives. A term used particularly by Ngāi Tahu for the whare wānanga.
Ka tōna riteka o te whare pūrākau, hei whakaako i kā tamariki rakatira kia mātau ki te taki tāhū, ki te karakia mō ruka i kā taumata whakaariki, karakia ruruku manawa mō te tūpāpaku ki te moe, ka hemo (MT 2011:81). / The purpose of the house of learning was to teach the chiefly children to know how to recite the direct lines of ancestry through the senior lines, to recite incantations to weaken approaching war-parties, and for restoring life to someone who is ill and has fallen unconscious.
Synonyms: whare kōrero
takahi whare
1. (verb) to tramp the house - see below.
I muri tata tonu mai o te hākari, ka haere te iwi ki te takahi whare. Ko tēnei kaupapa, he wete i te tapu kei runga i ngā taonga, me te whare o te tūpāpaku (TWK 46:7). / Immediately after the feast the people go to tramp the house. This is to release the tapu on the possessions and the house of the deceased.
2. (noun) tramping the house - ceremony performed after the burial for clearing the house of the spirit of the deceased and the tapu on the house and possessions. It is performed by a tohunga, or a religious leader, reciting karakia and sprinkling water while walking through the rooms of the house.
I muri ko te tikanga o te takahi whare (Te Ara 2013). / Afterwards is the custom of tramping the house.
whare taonga
1. (noun) museum.
Kotahi te poupou kei te whare taonga kei St Petersburg, he tāone nui kei Rūhia (TTR 1990:390). / One carved post is in the museum in St Petersburg, a large city in Russia.
Synonyms: whare pupuri taonga, whare whakamātakitaki, whare tongarewa
whare miraka
1. (loan) (noun) milking shed, cowshed.
Whakawhiwhia ana a Maata ki tētahi pūtea tārewa nei a te Tari Māori i te tau 1941, arā, hei hanga whare miraka hou, hei hoko mīhini mai hoki mō roto (TTR 2000:29). / In 1941 Martha received a loan from the Native Department to build a new milking shed and to buy the machines for it.
whare haumanu
1. (noun) clinic.
Hangaia ana e ia he whare haumanu ki te taha anō o te toa, kia tarea e ngā tākuta me ngā nēhi o te kaupapa whakaora a Tākuta G. M. Smith o Te Hokianga, ngā tūroro nei te tirotiro (TTR 2000:39). / She built a clinic alongside the store, where patients could be seen by doctors and nurses as part of Doctor G.M. Smith's Hokianga health service (DNZB 2000:113).
whare herehere
1. (noun) prison, jail, custody.
I te 17 o Hune nei, i whakawākia rāua i te Kōti Matua mō te hara tuhituhi pukanoa i ngā ingoa tāngata kē ki ngā tieki tono moni i ngā pēke, ā whakataua ana e te kōti kia kotahi tau mō tētahi, mō tētahi ki te whare herehere (TWMA 20/6/1884:3). / On 17th June they went on trial in the Supreme Court for writing fraudulent cheques and were each sentenced by the court to one year in prison.
Synonyms: whakaherehere