1. (verb) (-kia,-ngia,-tia) to judge, accuse, investigate, adjudicate, put on trial - used for accusing, investigating and judging a charge or complaint against someone.
I te 17 o Hune nei, i whakawākia rāua i te Kōti Matua mō te hara tuhituhi pukanoa i ngā ingoa tāngata kē ki ngā tieki tono moni i ngā pēke, ā whakataua ana e te kōti kia kotahi tau mō tētahi, mō tētahi ki te whare herehere (TWMA 20/6/1884:3). / On 17th June they went on trial in the Supreme Court for writing fraudulent cheques and were each sentenced by the court to one year in prison.
Synonyms: tiāti, tiati, whakawāwā, kaiwhakawā
2. (noun) judgement, decision, judicial hearing, claim, legal case.
I te whakawā i Rotorua ka whainatia tētahi tangata, ko Mita Taupopoki te ingoa, e rua tekau pāuna me ngā raruraru, mō te takahanga i te ture kaua e haute i te waipiro i ngā hōtēra (TKO 15/10/1916:10). / In a judgement in Rotorua, a man called Mita Taupopoki was fined twenty pounds and costs for transgressing the law not to shout drinks in hotels.
Synonyms: whakawākanga, whakataunga, kupu whakatau, kōtitanga
whare whakawā
1. (noun) court of law, courthouse.
Ko ngā Maori o Ōpape, i te takiwā ki Ōpōtiki, e whakaatu mai ana kua oti i a rātou tētahi whare hei whare whakawā, hei whare huihuinga, hei whare nohoanga hoki mō ngā manuhiri (TWMNT 3/11/1874:269). / The Māori people of Ōpape, in the district of Ōpōtiki, inform us that they have completed a house to be used as a courthouse, as a meeting house, and a place for visitors to stay.
whakawā tuarua
1. (noun) rehearing, appeal.
Nā tētahi hē i roto i ngā pukapuka, nā tētahi pōhēhē pea a ngā āpiha o te Kāwanatanga i kore ai e whakaaetia taua whakawā tuarua (TWMNT 17/4/1877:106). / Owing to an error in the official records, or perhaps a misconception on the part of officials of the Government, a rehearing was not granted.
hunga whakawā
1. (noun) jury, tribunal.
Porowhiua atu ana e te hunga whakawā te whakapae mō te whana i te kāwanatanga, ā, mō te taha tohu kōhuru kāre i taea e rātau te whakatau; i whakataua e te hunga whakawā i hara a ia, arā, i runga i te 'whanonga hēnga' ōna, i tana ātetenga i tana whakaraunga tuatahitanga (TTR 1996:182). / The jury threw out the charge of sedition and were unable to come to a decision on the counselling charges, but found him guilty of 'morally' resisting arrest on the first occasion (DNZB 1996:446).
Synonyms: rūnanga hūri, hūri
Kōti Whakawā
1. (loan) Native Circuit Court.
Synonyms: Kōti Māori
Kaiwhakarite Whakawā Hatihi
1. Justice of the Peace.
Synonyms: kaiwhakawā tūmatanui
Kōti Whakawā Whenua Māori
1. (loan) Native Land Court, Māori Land Court.
Synonyms: Kōti Whenua Māori