2. (noun) stream, creek, river.
Ka haupū te kupenga tawhito ki uta, ki ngā parenga o ngā wai tauraki ai ki te rā, ka maroke, ka pakapaka (TP 1/1/1901:6). / The old net lies in a heap on the shore and on the banks of streams to dry in the sun. It dries out and is baked.
Synonyms: awa
3. (noun) tears.
Kai te pūheke mai te wai i aku kamo (TW 26/1/1875:12). / The tears are flowing from my eyes.
peita wai
1. (loan) (noun) water paint.
Ko te peita wai: Ko te ranunga o te kano me te wai, ā, i te nuinga o te wā, he pūataata te āhua o tēnei momo peita. Ka kīia ko te peita waikino te mahinga toi ka hua ake i te whakamahinga o tēnei momo peita (RTA 2014:131). / Water paint: The mixture of colour with water and usually this type of paint is transparent. The art work resulting from the use of this type of paint is called a watercolour.
1. (noun) drinking water.
I herea e rātou a Tango mō ngā rā e rua kāhore he kai, kāhore he wai-inu i hoatu e rātou ki a ia, i whakapaea anō e rātou nā Tango i paihana a Toko ki tōna mahi mākutu (KO 22/2/1887:6). / They tied up Tango for two days without food and drinking water, and they accused Tango of poisoning Toko with his sorcery.
wai māori
1. (noun) freshwater, mineral water.
E kīia ana, kua tae mai ngā ika o Karapōnia, e kīa nei, he tarauta (e pēnei ana me te kōkopu wai māori a te Māori) ā kua tukua atu aua ika ki tētahi o ngā roto i Waikato (TW 2/11/1878:546). / It is reported that fish from California have arrived, which are called trout (and are like the Maori’s fresh water kōkopu) and those fish have been released in one of the lakes in Waikato.
2. (noun) water-ski.